Page 47 of Tango

“Frank.” Frank’s voice sounded stressed.

“It’s Beckett.”

“Shit.” He snapped his fingers, and I heard him call out to Cole. I couldn’t help but wonder if Ivy was there too. “Are you good?”

“Just a mild hit to the head.”

“He has a concussion,” Ahmad called, and I shook my head at him. I didn’t need any more attention right now.

“Is that Ahmad?”

“Yes, sir.”

“I’ll have a medic on stand-by.”

“Sir, I’m making my way to the rendezvous. Am I too late?”

“Just get there and keep your tracker on.”

“Roger that.” I hung up and was relieved to have made contact.

“Thanks, Ahmad.” I put the phone back in the glove box and closed my eyes as dizziness came over me again.

I wasn’t sure how long we drove when I opened my eyes and saw we were somewhere I didn’t recognize. I must have slipped off to sleep.

“Where are we?” My hand flexed on my gun as I looked around.

“You, my friend, would not make your rendezvous on foot.” He stopped the truck and looked at me. “I have orders, too.” He smiled warmly, and my stomach sank as I wondered what that meant. “See that turn over there?” I nodded. “A few kilometers east, and that is where your friends wait for you.”

“How did you know where to come?”

“I have helped Frank in the past, and he has helped me in return. You’re a good man, Ty Beckett.” He looked back at Brown. “I’m sorry for your friend, but I am glad you will return him to his home.” He put a hand on my arm. “You need to let him go once he is laid to rest, and then let this,” he patted over his heart, “be free. You must do that to heal, my friend. Trust me.”

I pushed my heart down out of my throat and mentally cursed myself for being so vulnerable. I put it down to the concussion.

“Thank you, Ahmad. I’ll never forget your help.”

“Nor I you.” He got out, and I opened my door and stood there a moment as the world tilted. I used the door to help me fight it off.

“Send my thanks to Amina.” I accepted Brown’s body as Ahmad slid him from the truck.

“I’ll tell her and her husband.” He smiled.

“But I thought he was taken?”

“She helped you, so Frank helped her.” He winked then headed back to his truck. “Take care, my American friend.”

I felt a rush of endorphins as I headed toward the others. The thought that Amina would be reunited with her husband made all this worthwhile. I couldn’t change what happened with Brown, but I could change other things moving forward. The sound of the chopper and the dust it spun into the wind made me walk faster.

As I rounded the corner, the men caught sight of us, and they raced toward me to take Brown. Once inside the chopper, a medic began to check me over. I leaned back and let him do his thing. All I cared about was that Brown and I were going home, together this time.

* * *

The trip back the Washington was a blur of color and sound. It was confirmed I had a concussion. The way my head felt, I had no doubt of that. They took it a little easier on me during my debrief. I appreciated it but made sure they knew I’d done what I needed to do and done it to the best of my ability.

A hot shower, a good sleep, and a hardy meal made everything better. I snagged my phone from the charger and called Ivy’s cell. She answered right away.

“Ty?” Her voice sounded small and unsure.