Page 6 of Alpha

“Why do I need to bring up someone I’m casually seeing just to draw that line in the sand for someone I just met?” I huffed. “There’s no ring on my finger, Mark. I can be kind and talk to whomever I want. I never said I was going to call him, and I have no plans on calling him.”

“And yet you still took his number.”

“Okay,” I closed my eyes, tired of the argument, “truth?”

“When do you ever lie to me?” He quickly turned around with a look and made me chuckle. It was like arguing with a child.

“I really like Ty, but I also know he’s got unfinished business with someone else.” It was true.

I thought back over our night at Zack’s. He’d draped his jacket around my shoulders, and I thought we’d made progress, then the next night he left my room when she called and never came back. I couldn’t deny that sex with him was great, but neither of us knew if there was much more than that. I pulled myself back to Mark.

“Yeah, I mean, how can you get serious with a guy when he’s got someone else on the side doing God knows what with? Why should I close the door on my life when he hasn’t on his?”

“I didn’t know that.” His tone relaxed.

“I love that you’re protective of your brothers, Mark, but I’m a good person and would never hurt or cheat on Ty. I’ve dated and was even engaged a few years back. I finally know what I want in a man and won’t settle for less.”

We sat in silence for a moment, and he tapped the wheel as he mulled over my words. He pulled into the UPS Store and parked by the door. We were here to pick up the first package I’d ordered from an online store that Savannah had put me on to. I was excited to see how well the clothes would fit. She’d explained how it brought her piece of mind to shop that way instead of having to go into the city. It got tiresome always having to watch your back. We always had to be escorted, and it was a waste of time and manpower. She was right; it certainly was a lot less stressful this way.

“I really feel like Dad should be here for this conversation.” He rubbed his head.

I tapped my pen on my lap and grabbed the opportunity to change the topic. “Forgive me for not knowing all the dynamics of the house, but why do you call Daniel Dad? Wasn’t it Abigail who adopted you?”

“Yeah, but he’s just my dad.” He shrugged.

“Then who is Sue?”

“Mom, or Sue.” He popped a piece of gum in his mouth. “Abby is Abby or Mom, doesn’t matter.”

I laughed. “I’m confused.”

“I see what you’re doing here, by the way, so don’t think you’re off the hook about takin’ that guy’s number.” He smiled, and I had to grin at the bright pink gum that showed between his teeth. “I’ll enlighten you since I’m sure your doctor brain is spinning off its axis.” I lifted a shoulder, as it in no way bothered me, but I liked the spotlight on him instead of me.

“I had a shitty mom, no real idea who my father was, and my brother—” He shook his head like the memory was too hard. “In school, all the kids had moms, dads, uncles, aunts, grandparents, but I had no extended family, at least none I knew of. So, the day I found the Logans, everything changed. I decided I wanted it all. I wanted a real family. As far as I was concerned, Abby adopted me, and I love her like no other, but I got two moms that day, and a dad, and a brother. Shit, I even got a dog.” He smiled. “It might be confusing to some, but to me, it all makes sense.”

“That’s incredibly sweet, Mark.”

“Oh, I know.” He grabbed the keys. “My sweetness and this smile,” he beamed wider, “it’s all the Lopez charm.”

“And you never changed your last name.”

“Nope. That’s the one thing I kept. Needed that to fuel my fight. Long story, but a reminder and some controlled anger never hurts anyone in this business.”

“You really have your head on straight.” I was impressed.

“I do.” He reached for the door handle of the truck then hesitated and looked at me hard. “And I also know when I’m being used, so where were we?” I knew we were back on me again. “What are you looking for in a man?”

“Why? So you can give Ty an advantage?” I grinned, and he raised a brow at me and got out.

“Can’t blame a guy for trying,” he said as he opened the door for me, and I was blasted with the intense heat. We hurried inside. “Oh, and one more thing,” he whispered. “Never let Ty come here.” He pointed with his chin, and I saw her. She stood behind the counter in a red dress. Her fake boobs spilled over the top of the low neckline, and her JBF hair was so full of spray it looked like you could snap it off. “Yeah.” He rolled his eyes and made a motion for me to follow him.

“Be sure to step back and not make eye contact,” I whispered in his ear.

“Pfft.” He threw a glare at my attempt to toss his own words back at him.

“Good morning, Mark.”

“Christina.” He shuddered.