Page 29 of Alpha

“Castillo might be getting messy.” His words drew my eyes back to him. “He just pissed off a shit ton of high-powered people.”

“Seems that way.”

“A Blackstone wife is downstairs.” He pointed down and pulled in his lips. “I’d bet money they’ll call the Devil’s Reach to get involved in this. Rosa Coppola might be locked up at Castillo’s because she owes a debt, but don’t think the Capris aren’t lookin’ for her.” He shook his head and went on. “From what I heard from Grim Gates, who knows Elio’s cousin, Vinni Capri, Elio’s on a full-out manhunt for Rosa and her pal Tieri. All I’m saying is, that chick down there might help Rosa get out from under Castillo, but she could bring us one messy load of shit.” He stood as I held up my hand to stop him.

I needed a moment to think. I rubbed my chin as I leaned back in my chair and opened and closed my pocketknife as I ran through several scenarios. I thought about what play I’d have if this did indeed go south.

“How many of Castillo’s men are still on the property?”

“Twelve, give or a take a few.” Alejandro’s brows went up as he tried to see where I was going with this.

“Any inside?”

“A few. I totally agree with you. They should stay the fuck outside. They don’t listen.” He motioned over his shoulder that some of them were in the next room.

“Filthy rats.” If Castillo was about to pull me into the middle of a war, I needed to get ahead of it. I knew I couldn’t get five feet without someone watching me, so I needed to deal with it the only way I could. I stood and tapped my finger against my lips while I thought. “Maybe these cameras can be useful after all. Pull the outside feed up on your phone. I’ll get rid of the rats, then you make sure none of them come back in.”


“In about,” I checked the time, “at the top of the hour, kill the wi-fi.”

“What’re you thinking?”

“I want to know if the name Rosa Coppola means anything to her.” I swung open the door and shook my head at Filippo, who opened his mouth like he was about to say something. He needed to know now wasn’t a good time. “Keep the wi-fi off until I say otherwise. Watch that clock, Ale!” I barked over my shoulder. I blew through the living room, glared at Castillo’s men, and ordered them outside. Once I knew they were gone, I went down the stairs and used the code to open the door. Then I carefully stood back out of the camera’s view.

“What?” Lexi rose quickly from her bed, and her chin went up as she took a fighter stance at the sight of me. I ignored her and hid my smile at her attitude. I tapped my phone screen and glanced over at the computer and waited for it to blink red. A moment later, the camera feed went down, and I stepped inside the room. I tapped the tile on the wall as I stepped close to the cage.

“Lexi,” I used her name, “I’m going to ask you something, and it could mean the difference of getting more food or not.”

“Not interested.”

“You should be.”

“Why?” She put her back to the wall of the cage and gave me a bitchy face. “I know how this works.”

“Enlighten me.” I gave a soft shrug and tucked my hands in the pockets of my pants.

“I’ve seen your faces, I know your name, I know exactly what the house looks like, and you know who my husband is. Play your games, negotiate, starve me, screw with my head, whatever, because for me, this is just a waiting game until they come for me.”

“Rosa Coppola.” I watched her face carefully for any sign of recognition.


“Who?” She scrunched her face and stared at the ceiling. I glanced at the cameras to make sure they were still off.

“Devil’s Reach.” I tried again, and this time her face stretched into a smile.

“I’d pay good money to see you up against Trigger in his slaughter room.” Interesting. “Maybe I’d be so lucky to use some of his medieval weapons on you.”

I made one last comment and hoped it would spark the right reaction. “Where’s the Blackstone safe house?”

She burst out laughing and flung herself against the bars close to me. I didn’t react except to glance once more at the red light to ensure the cameras were still down. She quickly followed my line of sight and slit her eyes at the camera, but she didn’t comment.

“Even if I did know,” she hissed through her teeth, “it’s the one thing I’d take to the grave.” She pressed her face closer and lowered her voice. “And honestly, Eric,” I kept my face expressionless, “do what you want to me, because when Blackstone gets their hands on you, you’ll wish you never laid eyes on me.”

“Rosa Coppola,” I repeated, and I saw the lines between her eyes deepen as she studied me. She shook her head then and went back and sat down on her bed. With that, I turned away, tapped the tile on the wall, and closed the door behind me. My mind whirled as I walked back upstairs.

“Boss?” Alejandro handed me his phone and mouthed, “Castillo.”