Page 12 of Alpha

“Your mom was devastated when she found out about Brown. Why didn’t you say anything when we were all at dinner?” I blinked a few times as I still struggled with just how I got here with Demi. Why was she talking to my mother so much? When had we crossed that line in the sand I thought we both had drawn years ago?

“I’m a private person, Demi,” I tried to get my words out right, “and my head isn’t on straight anymore.”

“So you’ve said.” She grinned as she leaned across the table to get closer to me. “And why do you think that is?”

“What?” I hated that she muddled my train of thought.

“Since you’ve been back, we haven’t had any alone time. We both know what you need when you get back from that hellhole. You need someone who will give in to those needs.” Her mouth lifted at the corners, and her expression changed to a sexy, devious one. “Someone who isn’t scared when you lose control and—”

I felt a vibration and pulled out my phone to see a text from Frank.

Frank: I pulled a favor for you. Your flight leaves in one hour. I emailed you the details.

“Shit,” I stood quickly, “I have to go.”

“Ty,” Demi reached across and caught my hand, “when can I see you again?”

“I don’t know.” I stopped myself. “Look, Demi. You know what I really want from you?”

“Anything.” Her eyes looked desperate, and I felt like shit.

“I want you to find someone who makes you happy.” I leaned in and kissed her head. “You deserve that, but that person isn’t me.”

“So, just like that, this is over?” Hurt flashed across her face.

“Look, I’ll be honest. I met someone else.” I twisted my wrist to glance at the time again and I heard her sniff.

“Well,” she stood, “I hope she knows what she’s in for, because your heart’s black, Ty Beckett, and you have a history of hurting those who open up to you.”

“I know.”

“I want to meet her.” My stomach sank with disbelief at her words. No.

“Demi, I never meant to hurt you, and you’ll make someone happy someday, but that someone isn’t me. You know, I’ve tried being honest about my feelings, and I’m sorry you crossed that line, but I never did.” I held up my ticket. “This wasn’t how I saw this happening, but please understand I’ve got to catch this flight.”

She called out after me as I grabbed my suitcase and hurried out the door.

I caught a cab and rushed to the airport, glad I could skip the long line at check-in since I only had a carryon. The TSA were polite, I was sure thanks to my uniform, and whisked me through to the gate.

Frank: When you get to the airport, call me.

I quickly tapped his name and listened for the call to connect.

“Hey, Ty, how was Brown’s funeral?”

“Rough.” I paused. “Look, Frank…” I hesitated, not sure how to ask the question. It was something I had to do, and I needed him to know how important it was to me. “I need permission to dig further into Hill. I need to do a lot more. This thing is eating me up. I have to do something.”

There was a moment of silence as I heard a door shut.

“That’s why I wanted you to call me. I’ve heard a few things—”

“Such as?” I was all ears, desperate for anything.

“Ty, before I fill you in, I need you back at Shadows. You’re on the clock as of tomorrow morning, so don’t miss your flight. Although I want you to keep me in the loop, this is something you chase on your own time. Got it?”


“I think the best way to handle this is to not draw too much attention to yourself. He knows you’re not giving up, but you don’t need him covering his ass more than he already is.”