Page 57 of Whiskey

“I’m not Ty’s doctor. I’m with a different unit. I’m just in the same building.”

“Oh,” she nodded, “well, I’m Shelly.” She pointed to herself. “Are you sure you just work with him? Because he barely took his eyes off you once.”

“I’m really not sure what you think you saw.” The topic got awkward for me, and I wondered where the hell Quinn was. “But I don’t really know him all that well.”

“He was just distant at dinner, but when he spotted you, he couldn’t keep his eyes off you and your date. I’m sure it wasn’t your date he was interested in.” She made a face. “It was almost like he was upset or something. It just made me think there was something there.”

“No.” I waved her off. “We’re just friends.”

“I see, and I might believe that if he hadn’t rushed out after that Richard Simmons workout type left your table and made such a scene when he left.” She laughed. “Ty took off through the back, and I even heard him talking to the owner about what happened. FYI, Ty never cares that much about anything. Well, that’s not military related, anyway. So,” she folded her arms, “you can imagine my surprise when I get a look at who he’d been watching all night. A pretty blonde with a smokin’ body.”

I chuckled. “Thanks.” I appreciated the insight. “Truth?” She nodded. “Things are a bit complicated with my personal life right now. My attention’s a bit scattered. I won’t bullshit you.” I figured she was like the rest of them and liked things straightforward. “Your brother is great, but he’s clearly got some stuff going on with Demi, and I just met someone tonight who seems pretty nice.”

“That Richard Simmons wannabe?” Her mouth dropped open.

“No,” I laughed, “another guy, Carson. He just happened to be there. Right place, right time kind of thing. Anyway, I want to give him a chance. I mean, he was great at having my back after the scene my blind date caused.”

“Ty’s a better catch.” She winked, and I shook my head as she went on. “But yes, I get it. Demi and Ty go back a long way. They always seem to hook up again.” She smiled sweetly. “I only think it’s fair you know that.”

“That’s actually really cool of you to be honest about that, Shelly. Thanks.” Zack caught my attention and pointed that Quinn was here. I held up a finger to ask Quinn for a second.

“Ty doesn’t know this yet,” she looked at Quinn, “but we’re coming back the week after next. Our parents fell in love with Redstone, and Ty mentioned he’ll be running back and forth to Montana for training. They’re so desperate to spend time with him. We all are, really. And they’re retired, so they thought it might be fun to spend some more time here.”

“And you?”

“Well, right now I’m living with them, along with my little girl, so I might just tag along.”

“I hope you do.” I pointed over my shoulder. “I’m sorry, but I have to go. It was nice meeting you, Shelly.”

“You too.”

“Who was that?” Quinn gazed back at Shelly as I walked by him for the door.

“Ty’s sister.” I stepped out into the rain to join Quinn. I was more than ready to go home.


When we reached the house, it was well past one a.m., and I wasn’t tired in the least. It was lightly misting, and it made it difficult to see very far.

“What am I hearing?” I asked Quinn as I shut the truck door.

“The guys are over there.” He pointed, and I squinted to see the low light off in the distance.

“What’s going on?”

“My guess, they’re checking their gear for a trip out.”

“They just got back.”

“The Cartel aren’t on a punch card, Ivy. Welcome to life at Shadows.”

“But at this time of night?” I didn’t like that they were leaving again so soon, so I headed over. Careful to avoid the puddles, I used their voices to lead the way. I stepped up the stairs and took in the sight. The guys looked like they were suiting up for a battle. Guns were being checked and cleaned; items were being put in packs. I spotted Ty as he strapped a piece of gear around his leg.

“Impressive.” I wrapped my arms around my midsection, feeling the cold seep in. Ty looked over and dragged his gaze down my front.

“How was your date with Mr. Yoga?” Mark smirked.

“It was interesting.”