Page 15 of Whiskey

“How upset was the Blackstone team when they were told you were switching to the new team?” I asked as we started up a winding mountain road. He glanced forward and shrugged.

“Change isn’t always a bad thing.”

“I beg to differ,” I whispered.

“It isn’t.”

“It isn’t when you have control over the decision, maybe, but not when someone has made the decision for you.” I knew I sounded petulant, and he glanced over at me. I sighed and looked out the window then went back to the files on my lap.

“You remind me so much of your mother,” he huffed.

“Yes, well, so do you.”

The driver cleared his throat as he hid his amusement.

“You’re not helping.” Uncle Reid smacked his shoulder, and I couldn’t help but notice how at ease he was with the driver. I wasn’t introduced when we got into the car, as I was on the phone with a client back home who needed me. It seemed to have been forgotten after that, and now, I felt rude for not saying anything. I was about to speak up when the vehicle suddenly veered off the road and onto a rough dirt road. A couple miles later, we stopped at a checkpoint and were scanned and waved on. Farther and farther we drove into the forest. I wasn’t comfortable with all these trees. It felt like we were in the middle of the wilderness. I swallowed hard and hoped I’d get used to it.

“You could have warned me heels weren’t going to work here.” I looked at my uncle. I thought about what I had brought with me. “Where was this conversation?”

“I guess it slipped my mind. Although I did say to bring comfortable shoes.”

“Hey, Ivy,” I mocked my uncle, “lose the heels and grab your wilderness boots and flannel. You’re going to be living in the middle of the woods.” I glared, and again the driver chuckled, only this time he didn’t even try to hide it.

“What in the world are wilderness boots?” My uncle shook his head with a chuckle.

“Boots that cover your ankle and have big, thick soles with ropes for laces.”

“Have I taught you nothing?”

“I’m not sure how to tell you this without breaking the bubble you’re in, Doc, but have you looked in the mirror lately? You’re not exactly the hauling hay and slinging cattle type.”

“Says the woman in six-inch heels and a Vera Wang skirt.”

“I rest my case.” I chuckled as he rolled his eyes and knew I’d won the argument. My uncle was, in every sense of the word, preppy.

“Okay, look,” he patted my shoulder, but humor still laced his voice, “I’ll take you into town and we’ll get you some new things.”

“Do we airlift out? Or do I need to jump on a saddle and ride my way there?”

The driver hit his steering wheel and roared with laughter. I glared at him in the mirror.

“Lopez, you’re seriously not helping.” My uncle smiled.


I thumbed through the tabs of the files on my lap and gave a hiss when I found his and put it on top. Major Mark Lopez. Yup, he was one of my new clients, and he’d just been a witness to my freakout. Oh, and to add to it, he was Mia’s husband! Frank barely spoke about his personal life, but I had met Mia once before and thought she was nice. That was just great. I glared at my uncle as I pointed to the file. He said nothing, just gave a shrug.

“Again, a little warning goes a long way.” I flared my nostrils at him.

“Oh, shit,” Lopez laughed, “Dr. Knight, you’re going to fit in so well here.”

“You sure about that?” I huffed. “Because right now I don’t exactly feel like I’m in a Hallmark mov…” My words trailed off when we approached what only could be described as a massive resort. “Aaand plot twist,” I whispered with my eyes wide.

“Welcome to your new home.” Reid smiled at me, and we exited the car. “City girl or not, I think you’ll find this place will suit you well.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something huge racing in my direction, and just as I was about to scream, Lopez stepped in front of the beast and caught all hundred or so pounds of it and saved my life as it flashed in front of me.

“This, Dr. Knight, is Mr. Butters.” The dog licked the length of Lopez’s face, and he kissed him back. “Down, Butters. Stay now. Mind your manners,” he said firmly to the giant dog who immediately stood still and wagged his tail.