“Yes, I can see that.” But he made no move to put his camera away. In fact, he lifted his camera and pointed it directly at her, clicking away.
“Are you taking my picture?” Linzee asked, horrified. “Stop that!”
He chuckled. “Why, sugar? You’re the prettiest thing in here.”Click. Click.
“I said stop!” Why couldn’t he just be gorgeous instead of gorgeous and frustrating?
“You shouldn’t be in here. If you don’t leave, I’m going to call the police.” She crossed her arms, which was an awkward move with her full breasts, and raised her chin in defiance.
The man glanced down, and she realized that crossing her arms only managed to push her breasts upward, making her cleavage visible over the V-neck of her sweater. The man’s gaze latched right onto her breasts. When he stepped closer, she saw that his ice-blue eyes held so much heat they practically scorched her. When he dragged his eyes up to her face, she saw something there that made her knees weak.
“Leave, huh? Are you sure you want me to leave?” His voice had turned husky, making her mouth go dry. She ran her tongue over her lips and could have sworn she heard him let out a low groan as he focused on her mouth.
“Uh, yes, you have to leave. You’re not supposed to be here.” She could have kicked herself for sounding so breathy.
When the man’s hand came out to twirl one red curl around a finger, Linzee felt transfixed by his hypnotic stare.
“Actually, I think I’m right where I’m supposed to be.”
As if in slow motion, he lowered his head. She could have stopped him. Should have stopped him. Should have pushed him away. But she didn’t.
His lips brushed across hers, sending a shiver down her spine. She told herself not to kiss him back, but his lips were insistent. When she felt the tip of his tongue trace the seam of her lips, Linzee couldn’t help the little whimper that escaped.
That was all the invitation he needed. His tongue slid forward, caressing hers as his hand slid to her hair, angling her head the way he wanted it so she was closer. He claimed her mouth again, his tongue probing deeper, dancing and exploring.
Linzee felt drunk. She couldn’t seem to think straight. Part of her said push him away, but when she lifted her hands to his chest to do just that, her hands fisted instead, grasping his sweater. She pulled him closer. His free arm snaked around her waist pulling her to him, gathering her body against his, and there was no mistaking the rigid line of his erection pressing against her stomach.
When a door in the back slammed open, Linzee’s senses came rushing back at lightning speed. Her eyes flew open and she shoved the man away from her. What the hell was she doing?
The kitchen door swung open and her boss stepped through. She was about to tell him this stranger had been taking pictures of the restaurant, but then she noticed it: the strong resemblance between the two men. Her stomach sank. Oh no.
“Oh good, you’re here.” Ethan smiled at her. “Linzee, I’d like you to meet my brother, Foster Price.”
His brother. Oh dear lord, what had she done?
Chapter Four
For a moment, Foster wished he could take the kiss back. Linzee looked mortified. He should never ever have come on that strong. What had possessed him to grab her and kiss her when he hadn’t even told her his name? He ran a hand through his hair. Great. He’d sexually harassed his brother’s new employee. This should go over well.
He watched as Ethan took a long look at the redhead before he turned, his eyes narrowing at Foster. Uh-oh. Foster knew his brother well enough to have a conversation without having to say a word.
Ethan’s look said,What did you do to her? If you fuck around and make me lose my head chef, I swear to God, I will rip your dick off.
Foster rolled his eyes. Even though he liked to flirt, he didn’t date nearly as many women as his siblings seemed to think he did. But he was a guy. If his brothers wanted to believe he had a different woman in his bed every week, he wasn’t going to argue. He certainly wasn’t going to admit the truth, which was that it had been nearly a year since he’d been interested enough to go after anyone.
Say something, Foster. They’re both looking at you.
“Uh, I just got here. I didn’t even have a chance to get your name.” He looked at the redhead. “Linzee, is it?”
She nodded and held out a hand. It really fucking pleased him that her hand was shaking. When he looked into her face, he had to bite back a groan. Her cheeks were flushed, and her lips were a little swollen from his kiss. Fuck, he wanted her.
“Yes,” she finally said. “Linzee Felton. It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Price.”
She tried to quickly remove her hand from his, but Foster held onto it in his snug grip, waiting until she raised her eyes to meet his before he let her go. The look in her eyes wasn’t what he wanted to see. There was still a hint of desire, but it was overcome by confusion and wariness. Dammit, that wasn’t what he wanted at all.
“I apologize, Ms. Felton.” He turned to Ethan. “I came in and started taking pictures without checking to see if anyone was here. Ms. Felton was about ready to call the police and have me arrested for trespassing, and I wouldn’t blame her.” He gave Linzee a long look. “I was out of line, and I’m sorry.”
Her blush deepened. She obviously knew exactly what he was talking about. “That’s okay. I, uh, I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions.”