Page 95 of Live, Love, Spy

She wasn’t sure how she was supposed to do that. “I’m barelystanding.”

His eyes narrowed, a certain wickedness she’d never seenbefore glinting there. “Are you telling me no?”

She suddenly didn’t want to find out what would happen ifshe was telling him no. She bit her bottom lip and forced her legs to spread aninch or two. There. That was it. She was still balanced here. “Not at all,Sir.”

A brow rose over his eyes. “That’s the best you can do?Well, I’ll have to help you out then, sub.”

He turned and walked to the back of the room. What was hedoing? What was in the closet that he suddenly needed? Oh shit. This was whatKenzie meant when she talked about a good mind fuck. Lou hadn’t trulyunderstood the idea of not knowing what a Dom was going to do to her. It wasn’tfear because again she trusted him. But this TJ could do something nasty andsmutty and glorious to her.

He wanted to fuck her ass. As a concept it didn’t hold a tonof appeal, but the idea of giving this man every part of her sent a sizzlealong her spine.

He came back with a thick slat of wood.

Spreader bar. He was going to lock her ankles into aspreader bar, and she would be completely at his mercy.

He wasn’t going to have any, and suddenly she could feel howwet her pussy was.

“I’ll try again,” she offered.

“Too late.” He knelt down and pulled one ankle tight to theedge of the spreader, locking her in. Then the other. She was spread so wide.Every part of her was on display. He’d spread her legs so wide she could feelcool air on her backside, on that part of her he’d promised he would shove hiscock into someday.

She’d dreamed about being with TJ, and now she realizedshe’d never gotten past those twelve-year-old fantasies of kisses and touchesand being held.

This was intimacy, raw and powerful. It was discovery, andthere wasn’t anything soft and sweet about it and yet it was a part of them,too. The part she hadn’t even understood was missing.

The cane caressed the inside of her thighs. He’d plannedthis perfectly because she was balanced on the floor and the strain was off hershoulders. She could still feel the pull in her hands, but there was nothingpainful about how he’d tied her up.

“Fuck, you’re beautiful like this, Lou.” He ran the cane upone leg and down the other, the hard tip leaving a path of arousal. He broughtthe cane up again, brushing it over her clit. “How are you feeling, sub?”

“Open. Exposed. Vulnerable.”

“Excellent. Then we’re halfway there.” He studied her for amoment. “You shaved your pussy. Did you do that for me? Or is it part of yournormal grooming routine?” He tossed the cane to the side and moved in close,getting on his knees in front of her. His fingertips moved over her mound.“It’s smooth. You did this today or maybe yesterday. Did I mention how fuckinggood you smell?”

His face was right there. So close. It should be awkward,but all she wanted to do was shove her pussy at him and beg him to eat herright then and there. Her backside still burned from the cane, but all shecould think of was getting his mouth on her. “Yes, Sir. And yes, I did it inthe shower before I got dressed, though I do shave it normally. Fet wear can be unforgiving.”

She liked the way a smooth pussy felt and the confidencethat she didn’t have wild hairs pushing through whatever fetwear she had on. But now she realized the real joys of being hairless.Sensitivity.

“Like I said, you shouldn’t wear anything at all.” He leanedforward, and she gasped as he put his nose right against her. “You shouldalways be like this. This pussy is mine. Tell me who it belongs to, Louisa.”

“You.” The word came out without a thought because it wassimply true. They might not work out, and her fear was she would always belongto him, to a man who loved her, but it wasn’t enough.

It felt like enough in this moment. It felt like everything.

“Me. This belongs to me.”

She felt a big finger teasing at her entrance, slidingaround in all that cream he’d drawn out of her.

“TJ, please.” She no longer cared how pathetic she sounded.She needed him. He was right. They’d started something, and no matter how itended, she needed to see where this path led to.

He didn’t move, simply eased his finger in and out and thenaround, as though learning her like he would a game. He was treating her like atoy he wanted to play with for a long time. “Yes, love, this is pleasing TJenormously. Hush. I want to look at you.”

He was going to make her crazy, but she bit her bottom lipto keep from begging him again.

He finger fucked her gently and leaned over to give herclitoris a brush of his lips that did nothing but make her want more. Shesquirmed when he let his fingers trace over her skin toward her ass.

“TJ, please. Please.” She couldn’t hold back.

His head finally came up. “Please what? Are you begging meto fuck you, baby?”