Page 93 of Live, Love, Spy

And that was where he wanted her. “Yeah, you were soinvested in the lifestyle.”

“Maybe I would have been if some Dom had taken an interestin me. I’ve only ever scened with two men who arelike my brothers, and that’s why you allowed it. You don’t allow things, TJ.”

“In this club I sure as fuck do,” he vowed. “I’ll follow youaround outside of here. I’ll let everyone call me pussy whipped and happilytake the label. I’ll watch the movies you want to watch and rub your feet andbasically be your errand boy. I won’t care what anyone thinks, but in here, I’mthe Dom, and that’s what you need from me. You need me to take control fromtime to time and you always have. So spit your bile, baby, but this all endsone way. Now I know it was always going to come to this.”

“But on your timetable.” There was bitterness in her words.

“Yes, we have to both be ready. And I didn’t stop you fromdating.”


He shrugged. “Unless the dude was an asshole, and then Itook care of it. Now I’m ready to take care of you. In every way.”

“You’re ready to take me down from the shelf now? TJ Taggarthas figured out that the pathetic girl who followed him around might make for aconvenient lay?”

He stepped back, feeling his skin heat. This privacy roomwas a suite with a big bed on one side and several pieces of equipment,including a spanking bench and a sex swing. And a nice table where he’d preppeda whole lot of toys. He selected a cane, taking it out and testing it againsthis palm. It smacked, the sound satisfying to him. “If that’s how you want toplay it, we can do that.”

Her eyes were on the cane. “Play it? I’m not playing. I gottired of waiting for you to see me, and you can’t stand the thought of nothaving your sad little crush on a string. What does that make you? I know whatit makes me.”

He crossed the space between them, that cane in his hand.“Don’t use the word pathetic in my presence again.”

Her eyes narrowed. “It makes me pathetic.”

“You know your safe word. I wanted this to be fun, but ifthis is what you need, baby, then I’ll give it to you.” He brought the canedown on her ass. There was a whooshing sound and then a gasp from Lou. Hebrought it down again. “You are not pathetic. I’ve spent a hell of a lot oftime ensuring every fucking Dom in a ten-mile radius stays off you. You thinkLucas wouldn’t have scooped you up and gotten you on a stage tonight if youwould have let him?” This stroke hit the underside of her ass and had her cursing.But he did not hear her safe word. “He would have taken you on that stage andgotten you naked and fucked you in front of everyone, and the truth of thematter is if that had happened while I was gone, I would have dealt with it.You having sex wasn’t the problem. You wanting what Lucas can give you, cravinghim, that’s what I fucking feared.”

“I’ve never craved anyone but you, asshole.”

Sweet words. He brought the cane down again, right acrossthat pretty ass. “Excellent. Then the next sixty or seventy years should workout for you because while I craved your attention before like a fucking lostlittle boy who didn’t want to lose his only friend, it’s different now, andit’s not going to change. I crave your naked body against mine. I crave thatwet pussy of yours. I crave this round ass that one day I’ll spread wide andwork my cock inside. I haven’t done that, Lou. I’ve never been all thatinterested in anal, but I want your ass, baby. I want to put my mark on everyfucking inch of this gorgeous body. This body I haven’t even had a properchance to inspect yet. I’ve given you a couple of orgasms, sub. Now I want tosee what’s mine in this club.”

He stepped in front of her, her gaze meeting his, and hecould already see the need there. She’d cried a bit, but he was sure the wayher pulse was beating at her throat had nothing to do with pain and everythingwith anticipation. He took a step back, looking her over. He brought the caneout, touching the tip to her chin and bringing her head up.

“I’m going to take these clothes off you, Louisa. They’renothing more than armor meant to keep me away. Eventually you simply won’t wearany when we’re playing and it will be okay because it pleases me.”

“I thought you were jealous.”

“Oh, I am righteously possessive is what I am. I always havebeen when it comes to you. You’re the prize. You’re the thing I can’t give upno matter what. How does it feel? You think you’re the little mouse no one noticesand yet you have two of the biggest predators in our world who made a deal along time ago to share you, to protect and shelter you. Little mouse? You’rethe fucking center of the universe.”

“Are you talking about Kala?” Lou asked.

How had Lou never seen this? “Baby, if she swung that way,she would have stolen you away a long time ago, but she’s honest and knowsherself. She wants what’s best for you, and that’s why we work as a team toprotect you. Except she doesn’t give you good advice. You should have gone toprom with me. I stood outside your house watching all night long in case youchanged your mind.”

“It would have been a sympathy date. I didn’t want yoursympathy.”

“It wouldn’t have been sympathy. It would have been a goodmemory,” he corrected. “Now hush unless you’re going to force me to stop.”

“What are you going to…” Her question was cut off by himgripping the top of her corset and pushing the sides together so he could getthe hooks out of their resting places.

It was a move he’d perfected at The Club when performingscenes with exhibitionist partners. Like Lou, he’d done a lot of demos, andthat practice was going to pay off now. Her breasts spilled out as he workedthe bottom half free and he was able to drag the corset off her.

Pretty tits. Lou’s breasts were full, with perky nipples.Nipples that needed some attention. He stood back, taking in her beauty. Hebrought up the tip of the cane.

Her whole body went tight as though waiting for him to bringthe cane down on her sensitive flesh. Instead he drew a line from the curve ofher neck down to her right breast, tracing the areola and watching her shiverat the sensation.

“Such a pretty sub. Tell me about your sexual experience,sub. I want to know how hard and fast I can go. Or if I need to be gentlebecause you’re such a soft, sweet thing. I can go slow, but we’ll get to thehard and fast one day.”

“TJ,” she began.

That wouldn’t do. He took the cane away from her breasts andsmacked her ass with it, eliciting a low moan from her. “Sir. We’ve talkedenough about the past. We’re going to spend the next few hours in the now, andthat means putting our problems to the side and being a Dom and a sub. Now youwill answer my questions, and no other talk is needed from you. If you can’tcomply, I have a lovely ball gag I can use on you. I think you would lookawfully hot with drool coming out of that luscious mouth of yours.”