Page 10 of Live, Love, Spy

The minute she was in his arms it was like the world sloweddown and made more sense.

She settled her head against his chest. “It’s all fucked up.I don’t know what Tash is going to do. She’s in love with him.”

With her target? That wasn’t a smart thing, but then he’dbeen in love with a woman he couldn’t have for a long time. “Something tells memy aunt and uncle are already working their magic. Are you okay? Did we scareyou?”

“Well, I was scared Kala was going to kill someone. I thinkshe took down two of your men, and Coop got a couple, too. Tristan was up withme, helping me get the lights back on and trying to figure a way out.”

No, Tristan had stayed to protect her, and that was exactlywhat he should have done. “It’s all okay now. Uncle Ian will take over, andChet can suck a dick, for all I care.”

“Isn’t he your boss right now?”

“Nope, that’s that asshole Mike. Chet is nothing more thanan Agency hack, and he’ll loathe the fact that my uncle will insist on me sittingin on the meeting we’re about to have. But I don’t care. It means I get to benear you. I missed you.”

“Missed you, too.” Her head tilted up, those big brown eyeskicking him right in the gut. She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen,and it kind of turned his stomach to think he’d ever been with anyone but her.

He’d never been with her. He couldn’t trust himself not tofuck it all up.

He stared at her for a long moment, the air between themheating with unnamed emotion, and that was when she went up on her toes and herlips almost met his.

This. This was the part he didn’t want.

Fuck it all. It was his dream, and when he woke up he wouldhave to deal with the fact that a mercenary thought he was good target practicefor his cattle prod.

In the dream, he met her lips halfway. In the dream, hedidn’t let his fear rule him. In the dream, he became everything she needed.

Her loving Master.

Having to watch her with his friends nearly killed him, evenwhen he knew there wasn’t anything sexual about it. That wasn’t the way itwould be between them. He wasn’t going to spank her and tie her up and leaveher aftercare to Kala Taggart. Fuck, no.

He was going to spank that sweet ass, tie her up, and fuckher until neither one of them could see straight. He would keep her in aprivacy room until the club closed, and then he would bring her out and theywould have the whole place to themselves. Eventually he would let her runaround in her own sweet skin, everyone’s eyes on her so she knew how gorgeous shewas, but it would take him a while. He was possessive when it came to Lou.

In the dream he didn’t step back and shake his head. Hedidn’t say, “Baby, this is still not a good idea. Nothing’s changed.”

He kissed her, his hands cupping her cheeks and sliding intoher hair so he could twist it and deepen the kiss, moving his tongue inside hermouth. Hers reached out, tentative at first, and then dancing against his own.He could feel his cock swell, lengthen, getting ready for that moment when hefinally, finally found some fucking relief.

Pain made him shudder, and in the dream he dropped his hands,losing Lou. She looked at him, tears in her eyes.

The way she had that night.

“Who is The Jester?”

He didn’t want this. He wanted Lou. He tried so hard to holdon to the dream, but pain flared again, this time to his back.

“Sergeant Taggart, I have to insist. Who is the arms dealerknown as The Jester?” a heavily accented voice asked.

TJ groaned as he forced his eyes open. They’d mostly beatenhis torso, so he still had full range of vision. Woohoo. That meant he couldsee the tall, lean man who was torturing him.

What he couldn’t see was the man asking the questions. Hemanaged to stay out of sight. He was a dark, deep voice constantly asking onething.

Who is The Jester?

This was the part where if he was in a movie, he would startin with name, rank, and serial number.

Instead, he did what he was now trained to do by the Agency.Which was talk and play as dumb as he possibly could. “Jester? Like in medievaltimes?”

It wasn’t hard since he knew very little. All he knew was thattwenty-four hours ago he’d been hanging with some friends in a bar in a townoutside of the Ramstein Air Base in Germany, waiting to catch a ride back tothe States. He’d spent weeks debriefing after the clusterfuck situation inAustralia had left his team without a CO. One minute he’d been drinking a beerand the next he’d woken up god only knew where and this fucker was treating himlike a punching bag.

He’d been roofied, and his cousins would never let him hearthe end of it.