Page 84 of Live, Love, Spy

Kala had been raging about her twin the whole time she’dbeen helping Lou get ready.

“Oh, I know what she’s thinking.” They had friends. Or anaudience. Daisy O’Donnell and Brianna Dean-Miles had been hanging around thelocker room. They’d returned from New York but TJ’s sister had stayed becauseof work. Daisy flashed an angelic smile. “She’s thinking she can boost ourrelationship with Canada through her vagina.”

Brianna gasped and lightly tapped her friend on the arm.“Dais, you’re terrible.”

Daisy tended to call things like she saw them. Unless herdad was around, and then she said whatever would convince the man she was thesweetest angel on earth and all the bad stuff that happened to her was atragedy and not something she often brought on herself by being the mostreckless woman Lou had ever met.

“Well, I got a glimpse of the man.” Daisy had on jeans and asweatshirt that proved she had no intention of playing this evening. She’d beencurled up on one of the sofas working on her laptop when Lou had walked in. Shewas apparently studying for her real estate license test.

And Brianna had been helping her by eating chocolate chipcookies and holding the timer while she watched a movie on her phone.

The Hideout was for more than play. It was a place they cameto when they needed to hang out, to be together the way they had when they werekids.

Well, except for all the sex toys. Those were new.

“I don’t get it.” Kala tugged on her hair, twirling aroundthe iron. “I mean, he’s fine and all, but he’s obviously a douche.”

Daisy and Bri shared a look, some silent conversation goingon between them.

“You don’t have to get it,” Lou replied. “It’s Kenzie’sthing. I think it’s good you’re not attracted to the same guys. She’s got zerointerest in Cooper.”

“Cooper isn’t…” Kala stopped, her jaw tightening. “All I’msaying is I think the guy’s trouble.”

“Because he’s a foreign operative?” Daisy asked, her eyeslighting up with curiosity.

Damn. A curious Daisy was a dangerous Daisy. “Operative? Idon’t know what you’re talking about.”

Kala groaned. “They’re not dumb, Lou. Dad had a meeting in theconference room when he barely likes to set foot in here unless he’scomplaining about the place. The Brits show up and then a weird Canadian?They’re going to put two and two together.”

“So it is an op.” Brianna breathed the words like they weremagic. “Right here in our club.”

“You understand you’re not supposed to know about the spystuff, right?” Kala asked.

Daisy’s eyes rolled. “Yeah, because you would be this happyworking for your dad doing security checks. Everyone knows. No one is talking.We’re family. We don’t gossip. Well, with outsiders that is. Besides, AuntCharlotte came through and told us we should avoid talking to Kenzie and thehot guy tonight. She asked if we wouldn’t mind sticking to the locker room. Iwasn’t planning on playing so it was no biggie, but Chloe Lodge is out thereand probably spitting bile Seth’s way. What is up with that?”

Lou shrugged. “No idea. They rubbed each other the wrong wayonce long ago, and they’ve been weird enemies ever since.”

“Like Seth doesn’t want her,” Kala said with a sigh. “Butback to the relevant point. I know everyone suspects, but it’s important not toblow our cover.”

“My brother is on your team,” Brianna pointed out. “AndDaisy’s brother has been my brother’s best friend forever. Of course we know. Ithink you should view this whole club as an asset. If you listen to my parents,the world has been saved many times because someone took someone else to a cluband fixed the problem with proper use of BDSM.”

Kala snorted.

“It happens more often than you would think,” Daisy added.

“Do you have any idea where Tris is?” Lou was curious.

Brianna sighed and sat back in her chair. “I don’t know, butI did overhear my dads talking. I think Papa knowsmore than he’s telling, and Dad is mad about it. Mom…well, my mom believes intrue love, and there’s nothing my brother could do to hurt her more thanwalking away from the love of his life.”

“Yeah, it’s not doing my brother any good either,” Daisyadmitted.

But there was something about the way Daisy said the words.When Daisy believed something, she said it with her whole being. This was saidunder her breath.

It was funny because Kala seemed to pick it up, too, herhead swiveling in precise time with Lou’s as they both looked at the brunettebeauty.

Daisy’s eyes widened. “Uhm, wow, see sometimes I forgetyou’re like deadly and stuff, but then you look at me like that.”

It was good she had a killer stare. She was so oftenunderestimated. “What do you know?”