Page 77 of Live, Love, Spy

“For fuck’s sake, this is a damn conference room.” Big Tagstood in the doorway, his head shaking. “Business is conducted here. Were youraised by wolves? I’m going to talk to your mother.”

Lou stiffened and started to press him away, but TJ simplykissed her softly.

“Until tonight, then.” He stepped back with a shake of hishead, turning to his uncle. “Yeah, like none of my cousins were conceived onthat table. We have ears, you know.”

“I wasn’t conceived on the conference table, was I?” Kenziewalked in behind her dad, a laptop in her arms.

“No. I’m pretty sure it was my desk. Why do you think I keepit around?” Big Tag quipped.

“Is there a reason my sister and Kala are trying to killeach other?” Oliver Knight stepped into the conference room.

“Did Kala do that thing where she scares the shit out ofsomeone by promising bloody vengeance but not today?” Kenzie asked, settlingin.

Kenzie knew her twin well. “She did. Samantha decided shewould rather get the vengeance over with.”

“Well, I wasn’t offered a choice. I like to delay vengeancewhenever I can. I loved this suit,” Oliver said, his full lips pouting like hewas a cover model selling sex.

“It’s okay. I’ll jump you again at some point,” TJ promised.

“You will not,” Lou whispered under her breath.

He turned her way. “Are you saying that as my girlfriend ormy sub? Because I’d probably do what my girlfriend told me to do.”

Big Tag made a gagging sound.

She was going to start ignoring him. And TJ. “Are we havingthis meeting? I would like to get my hands on whatever the Knights havediscovered.”

So she could start taking it apart because TJ wasn’tinvolved with an arms dealer.

“I’m afraid that’s going to have to wait,” Oliver announced.

“And why is that?” Big Tag frowned down at Oliver.

“I told you I’ve been working with someone. I need to bringhim in,” Oliver said. “He’s getting on a plane right now. He’ll be here inroughly four hours, but we need to meet him somewhere else. He’s a foreignintelligence operative, and we can’t have him running around an office whereeveryone knows the twins. How do you do this? Does one of you take meetings andthe other listens in? We’ll need to vet the meet spot. I was serious. I consideryou family, Kenzie. I’m not about to betray you. I like Ben. He’s a good man,but I don’t trust anyone with this knowledge outside of my parents andsiblings.”

“You should keep it that…” Big Tag’s expression had fallen.“Ben? Please tell me he’s not Canadian.”

Kenzie was practically jumping in her seat. “Ben. Lou, it’smy Ben.”

“Are we talking about that dude from the Australian op?” TJasked. “The one you guys had tied to a bench? Is this his form of revenge? Andwhy would Kenzie care?”

Because Kenz had been half in love with the handsome Canadianspy.

Kenzie grinned up at her dad, her hands clasped together.“Please, Daddy. Can I have the pretty man? Tasha got one. I need one too.”

Ian’s head hit the table.

Yeah, this was going to be fun.

* * * *

TJ glanced at the clock. Seven thirty. They could knock thismeeting out and be on the dungeon floor in less than an hour. One hour and Louwould be at his mercy.

He didn’t intend to have any.

You don’t get to ignore me most of our lives and thensnap your fingers and get everything you want.

Her words still haunted him hours later. Ignore her? She wasalways on his mind, always lurking around in the back.