Page 71 of Live, Love, Spy

Shit. Lou grabbed the seatbelt and buckled herself inbecause this ride was about to go wild.

* * * *

TJ watched the limo pass the exit that would have taken themto DFW proper. “They’re definitely headed to the private airfield. Do we havesomeone looking into their schedule?”

“I’m on it,” Kenzie said over the line.

The twins were online over his mom’s cell, so the call couldbe heard through the Jeep. He’d called in the minute he realized Lou was inthat limo. They’d been following them through traffic cameras, looking for aplace where he could try to stop the vehicle. By force, if necessary.

The Jeep was oddly calm for what was basically a high-speedchase. His mom was cool under pressure, and Liam was grumpy about not gettingbreakfast. He and his mom had argued over whether a protein bar passed foractual food. Uncle Liam had spent the whole time reading his paper and lookingup at the restaurants they passed like he would never see them again. Lou’s dadwasn’t the only one with food issues.

“TJ, they have serious security out there, and I doubtyou’ll be allowed in. At best they’ll take half an hour to clear you and bythen…” Big Tag had joined his daughters about fifteen minutes in. They’d beenarguing over whether to call the authorities. But they had gone through threedifferent cities, and it would have taken a while to even sort out who to call.And then there was the problem of who had her. If it was a foreign agency, theycould have all sorts of tricks to fool the police. He’d watched his cousins doit time and time again. “If they get Lou onto a plane, we’ll lose her.”

He’d known he would have to take a risk if he was going toget her back.

“Do you think we’re far enough out?” His mom directed thequestion to her partner.

Liam looked up from what appeared to be the sports section.He glanced around. “Oh, yeah. I’m worried a bit that the road slopes down upahead, but we’re out of time. This is far enough away no one should see, butnot close enough the airfield would get tipped off.”

Fuck. He was going to have to do this. He had to stop thelimo, and he couldn’t use the powers of his mind. He was going to have to usethe powers of his gun.

“How close do you want me to get?” His mom had been a rock.The woman knew how to tail someone. “I think they figured out we’re followingthem.”

The limo sped up.

Damn it. He didn’t want to risk hurting Lou, but he couldn’tlet her go.

“TJ, how sure are you she’s in that limo?” Uncle Liam asked.“We didn’t see her actually get in.”

He didn’t have to. He’d heard her. He knew her voice. “Iknow she’s in there.”

“Then do it.” Liam put his paper down and seemed to getserious about the job at hand. “Take a deep breath then take the shot. You cando this. You are trained for this. Lou will be okay.”

Lou was about to be in a car accident. Except it wouldn’t bean accident since he was going to intentionally blow the tires.

His mom kept a steady distance between them. “You’re goingto lose them if you don’t go now. Do you want me to do it?”

Okay, maybe having his mom with him on a mission wasn’t thegreatest thing in the world. She was very opinionated. “I think you should keepdriving.”

He checked his SIG.

“You could take the wheel. Or Li can. It won’t take long. Iassure you I can shoot out that tire really fucking fast. Do you want Bertha?She’s in the glove compartment. I think she might be better for this job.”

His mom was overly attached to her Beretta. “I’ll use mine,Mom.”

“Erin, leave the boy be,” Liam said, moving to the center ofthe back seat.

“Cooper and Zach should be coming in hot,” Kala said overthe line.

He glanced behind him, and sure enough there was a big blackSUV motoring down the road. At least he would have backup. He had no idea whathe was going into, but he had to stop that limo. He lowered the window and slidup, the wind blasting him. He balanced on the door, half his big body hangingout.

“Move to the left,” he shouted over the wind.

His mom shifted over, giving him the view he needed. He hungout the window, a precarious position, but he wasn’t about to take things easy.If he fucking fell out and died, at least Lou would know he’d come for her.

“I think you should take out the back passenger side,” hismom advised.

“Erin, don’t fucking distract him,” Big Tag yelled over thecell.