Page 68 of Live, Love, Spy

“Damn me. I can’t get a shot from here.” Liam was besidehim, a gun in his hand. “We have to follow them.”

Lou was in that limo, and he’d failed her.

TJ heard a honk and he realized his mom was behind them, andshe’d brought the Jeep.

“Get in,” his mom ordered.

Liam opened the back door. “You take the front, kid. Thiscould get messy. Thank the saints my own sweet Daisy has never been kidnapped.”

“Give it time.” He got in the car.

The chase was on.

Chapter Ten

Lou eased the shoes off her feet. If she got another chanceto run, she was going to take it. She’d learned her lesson. “Are you MI6?”

Her captor sat back, looking like he was born to ride in alimo. “Perhaps. Perhaps not. Can I get you a drink? I’ve got a whole bar inhere. Excellent Scotch.”

“It’s like ten in the morning.”

“He doesn’t go by things like time or societal norms,” thewoman driving said.

“Mantén los ojos enel camino y yo me encargaré de la dama,” her captor said in perfect Spanish.

Keep your eyes on the road and I’ll take care of thelady.

Lucky for her, it was one of the languages she was prettygood with.

“Really? Spanish? You want to use Spanish on the spy from Texas?”the woman asked, and it was easy to see these two were comfortable with eachother. Though she didn’t think their connection was sexual. They were friends,or they’d worked together for a long time. “I wouldn’t try French, either. Shewent to a private school for much of her education, and they taught French. Sheswitched to Spanish when she moved to a public high school. Which you wouldknow if you ever read the files our handlers send us.”

They had a file on her? Who was she dealing with? She was stillthinking MI6. British intelligence rather than criminal element.

“Jag kan interyska. Jag menar allvar, syster. Håll ögonen påvägen,” he replied.

So he was almost surely an intelligence operative. Shewasn’t sure which Nordic language that was, but she had identified one word. Syster.

They were brother and sister.

“Skruva inte ihop det här,”the sister replied with a sharp edge. She pressed a button and a wall came up,dividing the limo and leaving Lou alone with her brother.

He reached into the bar and pulled out a couple of glasses.“Don’t mind my coworker. Like I said, who I am doesn’t matter. I want to knowwhy Theodore Taggart Jr. is working with The Jester.”

They were back to this again. Lou took a calming breath.Well, it was supposed to calm her down. She knew from the outside she lookedfairly steady, but her heart was pounding in her chest. She had to play thiscool. At some point in time she would be far enough away that whatever tech hewas using to jam her locator signal would fail, and she knew her team would bewatching. “He’s not. He has no idea who The Jester is. Are you gettingintelligence from mobsters? Is that where MI6 has gone? I know your agency hasbeen struggling to keep up, but that’s sad.”

She needed to shake this guy up a bit. She wasn’t sure wherethey were going, but she had to hope she would have a chance to run again, andthis time she would be ready. She was never wearing heels again. And now thatshe thought about it, Kala was right. She should be a walking armory at alltimes. If she’d thought to strap a couple of knives to her thighs, she would bein a better position.

She hadn’t taken her gun because it didn’t fit into thepurse that went best with her dress. She needed a better excuse like oops, shedropped it or something because everyone was going to rag her for the rest oftime.

Or she could die. That seemed like an actual viable option.

However, she was interested in why the Brits hadn’t simplycalled. Ian used to have a decent relationship with MI6. She knew at some pointit had gotten tense, but she was surprised they hadn’t put in a request tospeak with him to Langley. Something was happening that she didn’t understand,and it was her job to get as much out of this guy as she could.

He was a cool customer. He simply poured out two glasses ofScotch and offered her one. “You should know that sometimes the bestintelligence comes from the oddest sources. I would never be so snobbish aboutgathering intel, love. Here, you should try it.”

She wasn’t risking taking a drink. “Like I said, it’s barelyten a.m., and I’m more of a margarita girl.”

“Well, when we get where we’re going, I’ll make you one.” Hedowned one of the Scotches and set the empty glass back on the shelf,apparently happy to sip the second one. “You know I think we could make thiswhole episode interesting. We might be together for a couple of days. Weshouldn’t waste them. I can make things comfortable for you.”