Page 67 of Live, Love, Spy

“Lou’s on a date, TJ. Don’t be an asshole,” Kenzie replied.“Look, I know it sucks to be rejected, but I don’t think this rejection isgoing to stick. I think if you’re patient…”

He did not need another lecture. “The place where Lou ismeeting her date is closed.”

“They probably went somewhere else then,” Kenzie argued. “Ijust think you should give her some space. I do think she loves you, but youcan’t push it.”

“I have a feeling, Kenz. Activate her tracer or hand me overto Kala. Something is wrong.”

“Fine,” she said with a huff. “Give me a minute.”

He tried to see inside, but those blinds were doing theirjob. He could have sworn he saw some movement, but he couldn’t be sure. All heknew was his gut was telling him something was off here. Yes, businessesclosed, but Lou would have texted Kala, and if Kala knew something, Kenzie did,too.

“Hey, what’s going on?” That slightly deeper voice was Kala.“Kenz is pulling the locator. I gave you the address Lou gave me. It doesn’tcheck out?”

“It’s closed.”

Kala hesitated. “Okay, then something’s wrong because shedidn’t text me that her plans had changed. Hold on. Kenzie says her locatorshows she’s there. Wait. What do you mean? Try it again.”

He started moving back to the car. “What’s happening?”

“We’ve got some kind of delay,” Kala explained. “The lasttime her locator pinged was ten minutes ago. There might be a problem with thesatellite. Don’t panic.”

He wasn’t panicking. He felt a cool, calm come over him. Louwas in trouble. He didn’t get to panic. She needed him, so he would do whateverit took.

If this was all some crazy misunderstanding where she forgotto let her team know where she was, then he could take it out on her pretty asstonight at the club. But for now, all that mattered was finding her and gettingher to the office safely.

Then he would get to the bottom of all this mess. He wasn’tgoing to let Lou get hurt.

“I’m waiting on the locator,” he said to his mom through theopen window.

Liam looked up from his paper. “Have you called her?”

“Twice, and she didn’t answer,” he replied. “I thought shewas being stubborn, but now I wonder.”

His mom nodded, her expression calm as well. “Who do youwant me to call? Ian or Zach?”

The fact that she was giving him the choice meant shetrusted his instincts. “The twins will let their dad know. Call Zach. Tell himto take over the CCTV cams and look for Lou’s car. It’s not on the street, soit’s probably in one of the lots around this area.”

“Hey, I think we have a problem,” Kala said over the line.

Fuck. “Hit me.”

“The locator isn’t working, and I can’t ping her celleither,” Kala admitted. “I can show her going into that building, but as of tenminutes ago, she disappears. Everyone else’s locator is working.”

And that wasn’t a satellite problem. Someone had nullifiedher locator device. If they’d simply cut it out, he would know where they’dtossed it.

The thought of someone cutting up Lou threatened his calm.

“My mom is with me. She’s talking to Zach,” he began. “UncleLiam’s here, too.”

And then he heard it.

“Help! Help me!”

It was in the distance, but he knew Lou’s voice. He tookoff. There was a building between them. He sprinted, his whole being focused onmaking it to her.

He rounded the corner, his heart pounding in his chest.

Just in time to see a limo pull away. He ran down the alley,but he knew he was too late.