Page 44 of Live, Love, Spy

“Yes, to get your son out,” his uncle shot back, and thenseemed to give up the argument. “TJ, you haven’t explained how the hell you gotcaptured.”

He’d been dreading this, but now it didn’t seem so badbecause he could feel the heat of Lou’s pussy. She was fucking wet already. Sheresponded to his touch like she’d been made for him.

How had they not been doing this for years and years?

“I was out with friends and got roofied at a bar. Woke up toa bunch of tasers and like bright lights and shit.” He slipped a finger over herclitoris and felt her stiffen. She was so good at this. Perfectly quiet, andaside from the slightest flush of her skin, she looked like she wasconcentrating again.

Such a good girl. Yeah, they could play with that.

“Are you serious?” Zach asked, shaking his head like hecouldn’t quite believe it. “You let yourself get roofied?”

He wasn’t taking that from him. From anyone. He wasn’t apart of this team and never had been. He worked differently. “I’m not a spy,man. There’s zero reason for anyone to kidnap me unless they are interested inhow our comms work or need a lesson in sharpshooting. Otherwise, I’m prettymeaningless, so I don’t sit around wondering whether someone spiked my drinkwhen I got up to hit the head.”

“You’re useful for your last name alone, man,” Cooperpointed out.

The Taggart name meant something in military andintelligence circles, but there were far more important Taggarts to be had. Hiscousin Heath might be a Taggart in name, but he was also heir to the 4Lfortune, along with their Lawless cousins. Luke and Carys Taggart would somedayinherit his Uncle Sean’s restaurant empire. And Kala and Kenz were important inso many ways.

He was just TJ.

“That’s not why they brought me in.” He circled her clit,feeling her wriggle slightly as though trying to find the exact right spot. Thegood news for her was he was actually quite good at multitasking. He looked tohis parents and uncle while he stroked Lou over and over again. “I woke up, andafter a couple of rounds of pre-game torture, they explained that they wantedme to put them in touch with the man known as The Jester. I had no idea who thefuck that was, however, they did not believe me. They have pictures of mewalking in Berlin with a man I’ve never seen before. They have some bad intel.Did someone go into the interrogation rooms?”

So wet and hot, and it was all for him. He played with her,light touches and strokes that would keep her on edge.

How much fun would they have in the club? She’d agreed tobottom for him, and he was going to show her what a good choice that was. Whenthey were in the club, he wouldn’t have to hide what he was doing. He could beopen about fucking her. No one would question him in the club once she had acollar around her throat.

“Kala and I did a sweep, but it was clean. They obviouslyhave excellent protocols,” Cooper explained.

“What I don’t understand is why they didn’t try to make adamn stand.” His uncle sat back. “They ran immediately.”

“That bothers me, too,” his mom agreed. “We sent in a smallteam because we thought they had the best chance of getting around theirsecurity. We weren’t ready for a prolonged fight. From what I could tell fromwatching surveillance, they had at least ten armed guards. But they didn’t eventry to fight. They ran and fast.”

“Which means they had something to hide and thought it was astrike team coming after them.” His dad was staring at him with a frown. Likehe knew what he was doing and was hitting him with that “what the hell, TJ”look.

If that look was supposed to intimidate him, then his fathershouldn’t have told him to please Lou sexually every chance he got. Maybe hisdad didn’t think this was the right chance, but TJ took things seriously. “Inever got a good look. I think the man who interrogated me was Friedrich. Hehad a German accent. But I think someone was with him. I heard whispering. Likethere was someone bigger, someone they didn’t want to expose, but he wasrunning things. He wasn’t speaking German, but it also wasn’t English. I’m notsure. Definitely a European. They explained that they’d made it so my friendswould think I was off with a woman.”

He’d been so worried they would believe it. He rested hishead against Lou’s shoulder. Outwardly it would look like he was beingaffectionate. But the motion covered his arm moving, so he could slip a fingerin her pussy. Thumb on her clit, rotating while that finger slowly drove insideher.

“Can you not be professional?” Kala complained. “Do you haveto be so huggy?”

He was going to have to shut that down. She could beterritorial when it came to Lou, but he wasn’t going to let that stop him. IfKala was happy being sexless and alone because she couldn’t forgive Cooper,that was her choice, but he was going to make sure Lou didn’t make the sameone.

“Like Mom and Dad don’t do this all the time during ameeting,” Kenzie shot back. “They made out in front of the Joint Chiefs ofStaff once.”

“And we all swore we would do better,” Cooper shot back.

TJ rather thought he was doing better. This was better thansome rando make-out session.

“I knew you wouldn’t do that.” Lou sounded only a bithoarse. She placed both of her hands on the keyboard of her laptop and glanceddown as though staring at something on the screen. “When Zach got the text, hebrought it to me, and I knew it wasn’t you.”

Her screen was a blank Word document, and then she typed.


Oh, she thought she was in charge, did she? Still, she’dbeen awfully sweet to defend him, to know exactly who he was. He pressed downand rotated. “I’m glad someone knew me. You knew I wouldn’t blow you off.”

“I knew you wouldn’t miss Devi’s birthday,” she replied,eyes still on the screen.

He eased off.