Page 5 of Live, Love, Spy

Everyone seemed to think she would end up a professorsomewhere. How surprised would they be when she followed her best friend all theway to the Agency? Everyone seemed to think she was some sweet, brainy girl whocould do no wrong. Kala’s mom often talked about what a good influence Lou wason her girls.

Would Charlotte Taggart be surprised to know that she’d beenthe one to figure out how to remotely set off the fire alarms so Kala wouldn’thave to spend all day in detention? She’d set those fuckers off one afteranother until they’d released all the detention kids, and Kenzie and Lou had pickedup Kala and spent the afternoon at the mall.

The school had a smart system. Lou loved smart systemsbecause she was almost always smarter.

“So are we going to strong-arm TJ into taking you?” Kenzieasked.

That sent her stomach in a spiral. “I already told him no.”

Kala’s eyes opened, and she and Kenzie were suddenly bothlooking her way. “What?”

Like she couldn’t tell TJ no. Well, she never had before.“He caught me crying at lunch, and I told him what happened. He offered to takeme, but everyone would know he was doing it as a pity date. I’m fine. I don’tneed to go to prom. I’ll keep Kala company.”

“It’s not a pity date,” Kenzie insisted.

“TJ’s a moron, but I do believe he cares about you,” Kalasaid. “If he asked you, it’s because he wanted to. Look, I don’t think any ofus needs to find true love at this point. We’re too young and we have things todo, but I do realize that Lou’s feelings for TJ haven’t changed since the day shemet him.”

“His feelings haven’t changed either,” Lou pointed out, sorrowwelling.

They were friends. He’d never felt more for her. He’d beengentle with her when she’d professed her love last year out at the lake house.Kala had snuck some beers down to their campsite, and Lou had learned she was alightweight.

This isn’t a good idea, baby. I don’t think we makesense as a couple.

Of course they didn’t. He was gorgeous and athletic, and shewas…smart. Yeah. Guys loved that about her.

“I don’t think he understands his feelings.” Kala sat up,groaning. “You handle this part, sis. I’m going to vomit if I have to keepgoing.”

Her bestie wasn’t a feels girl.

Kenzie was. Her strawberry blonde hair was in a ponytail,giving her Malibu Barbie vibe’s as she leaned in. “What Kala is trying to sayis TJ might be scared of what he feels for you.”

TJ wasn’t scared of anything. TJ knew exactly who he was andwhat he wanted to do with his life. He was going in the Army with the plan tomake Special Forces as soon as possible. He would find a hot wife and settleinto being the hero he was.

She would be his kids’ weird aunt.

“I think TJ is worried he’s not enough for you,” Kenziecontinued.

That was where she was wrong. “I’ve told him he is.”

Kala’s brow rose. “You did? I was not aware of this.”

Lou sighed. “Last summer I made my play for him, and heturned me down. He said he couldn’t see us as a couple because we were sodifferent, but if that was true we wouldn’t work as friends. We’re amazingfriends, so I don’t get what he was saying.”

Kenzie and Kala were staring at each other, doing thatsilent communication thing they so often did. Lou would swear they couldcommunicate through a series of small facial expressions.

Lou needed to make herself plain or Kala might decide tofind a way to force TJ to love her. “He’s not attracted to me. It’s the onlyexplanation.”

“It’s not the only one,” Kenzie countered.

“No, but it’s the most logical.” Kala’s face settled into afrown.

“I thought it was because he wanted to go into the Army andLou’s going to Massachusetts,” Kenzie said.

“But if she just laid it out and he said he couldn’t seethem as a couple? That’s fucking bullshit.” Kala stood and started to pace. “Hesaid that? Said those words?”

And this was why she hadn’t mentioned it. “Yes, but don’tget mad at him. I’m not. He likes me, but it can’t work because he doesn’t findme attractive. He’s…I mean, he’s TJ. There’s a reason every girl in schoolwants to be around him.”

TJ dated a lot, but he never stayed with one for long.