Page 38 of Live, Love, Spy

“She held back on you?” His mother’s brows rose. “Did youhappen to sit her down and say ‘hey, Lou, you know how most of my family aretotal perverts who like to spank their partners and their partners are on thepain-slut side?’”

He felt some sympathy for his uncle in that moment. “You donot have to put it that way. Still your son.”

She shrugged like it was no big deal. “Have you?”

“Of course not, but we belong to the same club.”

His mom bit back a laugh. “I’m sorry, baby. Yes, you belongto the same…club.”

The Hideout was a club. It might not be freaking Sanctum,but it was a club. “So it’s not like she doesn’t know I’m a top.”

“And what does Lou do? Because I’ve heard she doesn’t play alot.”

“Sometimes she’ll scene with a Dom if I’ve cleared him, butthat’s always for demo purposes. I would never let…”

His mom pointed his way as though he’d made her point. Whichhe had. “There it is. There is your possessive little shit coming out. Youwould never let what, TJ? Don’t lie to me because we both know the truth.”

“I would never let one get close to her,” he admitted.


“Because I’m a possessive shit.”

His mom nodded. “Yes, and now it’s time to make that workfor her instead of against her. Look, I love Louisa. I want her in my familyfor so many reasons, but the number one reason is she fills something insideyou no one else can, and I don’t think they ever will. But I’m worried you’reon your last chance with her. She’s dating.”

He couldn’t possibly forget that fact. “Yes, fucking DennisSims. I saved her from him once. I can finish the job this time. That fuckerwill think twice once I’ve paid him a visit.”

“Yeah, that’s probably not going to work, but I’m sureyou’ll try.”

He didn’t see why not. “I’ve scared them all off when I’veneeded to. Damn. See, that sounds better in my head than it does when I say itout loud. I didn’t mean to hurt Lou.”

“And she didn’t mean to hurt you. I know everyone dumps thison you, but she didn’t fight for you either. She accepted what you were willingto give her, and likely for the same reasons. But she’s not in the same spaceyou’re in, and that’s a problem. She’s convinced herself you don’t want her.”

“I think I’ve proven I want her. Uncle Ian knows. I don’tsee why Lou wouldn’t.”

“History has taught her something different,” his mom said.“Like it did for me. Hey, babe, I think it’s time you took over.”

His father strode into the room, a big smile on his face.His father had been through so much, but he could still smile and let hishappiness infuse the world around him.

TJ’s heart squeezed when his dad leaned over and kissed hismom.

They had been—were—such great parents. He should havelearned how to be in a relationship from them. Everything he wanted was whatthey had. It was there in the easy way they loved each other, but there wassomething deep and dark about their love, and fuck all, he wanted that too.

He wanted his wife to look at him the way his mom looked athis dad.

Wife? He wanted Lou. Only Lou.

How was it so clear now?

Maybe this was a trauma response, but damn it, he was goingto make that trauma his bitch and ride that fucker right into the relationshiphe wanted.

His mom stood and smiled up at his dad for a moment. “Canyou take it from here, babe?”

“You think he’s ready? I don’t want to put Lou through thewringer if this is all about adrenaline. Maybe we should give him a couple ofdays,” his father said.

In a couple of days, Lou might decide to give that fuckerDennis a shot at getting in her granny panties. He was the only one gettinginside those cotton atrocities. The pussy that hid behind the voluminous fabricbelonged to him, and it was time to let her know. “I’m not waiting. I don’tcare why the revelation has happened. I only care that I’m in love with Lou,and I need to remind her that we were always supposed to be together.”

“Okay, then we should talk about how to handle a skittishwoman. I think I remember most of it,” his father said, sliding into the seathis mother had vacated. “I definitely remember how Boomer got her mom. I thinkthe key with Lou is going to be a whole lot of manly wiles. Have you heard theterm male cleavage?”