Page 36 of Live, Love, Spy

“Watch me. I assure you I can and have. Not killed anyone,exactly, but I do keep tabs. Hey, now that I know you’re kind of a freak, too,have you ever surveilled the women I hung out with?”

“No.” Who did he think she was? Or the better question waswho the hell was he?

“Well, you don’t have to worry about that since I’m notplanning on seeing anyone except you, so you will be responsible for mycelibacy if we aren’t allowed to follow our instincts and do what Doms and subs do.” He held up a hand. “But you need time.When you make the decision, let me know.” He stood and dropped a kiss on herforehead. “I’m going to take a shower. You want to join me?”

“TJ.” His name was a warning. For who was the question.

He held up his hands, and he had that cute-boy look on hisface, the one the girl inside her had never been able to resist. He wascareening from sexy, possessive asshole to the boy she’d always loved. It wasdisconcerting. “I was thinking about saving water. You should think about savingtime because this thing between us is inevitable.”

“It never has been. I’m supposed to believe you just up anddecided to…” She’d been about to say fall in love with her, but he hadn’tmentioned love. This was about lust. “Want me because I killed a man.”

The truth slammed into her. She’d known it as an intellectualfact. She had been the one to stab him and therefore was responsible for ahuman death.

She’d killed a man. It wasn’t like she’d never seen it done.She had. She’d backed up all of them at one point or another. She’d helpeddispose of bodies.

But she’d never done the deed herself. She’d never had bloodon her hands. Fresh warm blood from a man whose eyes had faded as she’dwatched.

“All right. You can hate me for this later.” He sat down andoffered up his lap. “Right now, Louisa. Over my knee.”

It was oddly easy to do. She felt like she was in a fog. Itwas all right to kneel and place herself over his lap, to let him drag herskirt up and her panties down, exposing her naked ass to the air.

And somehow when that first slap came, she felt the wallsshake.

The pain was…not really pain. It was sensation and heat.

He slapped her ass a dozen times, but he was holding out onher.


“Lou,” he began.

She was over his knee, but she felt the power she had. “Youpromised me. You said you would do whatever it took. I need more. Or should Iget another Dom? There are at least two others here.”

Cooper and Zach, neither of whom she would ever ask for asession. She was being a bitch, but she knew she was on the cusp of somethingand couldn’t stand the idea that he would hold her back.

His hand found the nape of her neck, fingers sinking intoher hair and tugging. Just enough to light up her scalp. Just enough to makeher damn pussy clench. “You better tell me to stop if I’m really hurting you. Ican’t trust you if you won’t put boundaries in place.”

“I know what I need.”

This time when his hand came down, fire lit through her.Again and again until tears squeezed out of her eyes and a sob caught in herthroat.

He picked her up and turned her over, not bothering to fixher skirt. She was sitting in TJ’s lap with her ass hanging out and it didn’tmatter. Not if they were who they said they were—a Dom and sub. They could keepthis contained, and maybe they would find a way to still be friends on theother side.

He wrapped her up, and she let out all the poison.

* * * *

TJ knew damn well he was in trouble.

Despite the fact that she’d let him spank her and hold her,when she’d been done, she’d thanked him for the discipline and gone into thebathroom to clean up. And locked the door.

When she’d come out, he’d felt like she was further awaythan ever before.

He was so in love with her, and she didn’t believe him.

“You alone in there?”

His mom. That had been a lovely surprise when he’d awakened.His parents had been there witnessing him once again doing stupid shit. He wassurprised they hadn’t picked up his sister so this could be one big familyreunion. “Yeah, come on in.”