Page 34 of Live, Love, Spy

“And what are those?” Lou asked.

“You need someone watching your six at all times.”

“And the other?”

“This, baby. You need this.” He lowered his head and hismouth was on hers, and she couldn’t work up the will to stop him.

His body pressed hers into the softness of the mattress,pinning her there in a way that felt wicked and decadent. Like he’d tied herdown and there was nothing she could do but accept whatever her Dom gave her.Somehow when he kissed her like that—like she was the only woman in theworld—her brain shut up, and she could feel in a way she’d never been able tobefore.

When he kissed her she turned into someone else, someonesexy and submissive.

Someone she couldn’t be in the real world.

His tongue slid along hers as his cock pressed against herthigh.

She was already so wet. He wouldn’t have any problem takingher then and there. And then maybe she would understand why her friends wereobsessed with sex. Why Tasha practically glowed after spending a night withDare. Why her mom’s whole life had changed when she’d met Boomer Ward all thoseyears ago.

She was in so much trouble because she couldn’t trust this.He was still in shock. He would change his mind. “This is a way for you toprocess what happened to you. Can’t you see that? This is a trauma response.”

He snorted and kissed her again. “If you’re so worried, thenlet’s get married. We can elope. It won’t surprise anyone. They’ve all beensitting around waiting for me to get smart enough to admit I can’t live withoutyou.”

Married? The word was enough to bring her out of thedreamlike state his close proximity could put her in. She pushed against him.“TJ, get off me. Right now.”

He rolled to the side, covering his eyes. “It was too fast.The marriage thing was too fast, wasn’t it? See, it feels like it took too longfor me to ask.”

“You didn’t ask. You suggested it as a way to deal with myfeminine hesitation. Yes, it’s insane that I would question the motives of aman who has told me for years he doesn’t want this with me.” She forced herselfto stand on wobbly legs. It had been such a day. She’d been running on pureadrenaline most of the time, and she was out of fuel.

“I never said I didn’t want you. I said it wasn’t a goodidea. I no longer care about good ideas. I care about the fact that when it wasall on the line, you were the only thing that mattered. You are my world andyou always have been, but we found something we needed. It clicked. It finallyclicked for us, baby, and I don’t want to waste another minute.”

She needed to cry, but she couldn’t. It had to wait untilshe was alone, until they were safe and no one could hear her. It was odd sinceit was something she’d learned from her mom when she was a kid. Her motherwould find a quiet place to cry, thinking Lou wouldn’t notice. Even after shemarried, it had taken a long time for her mom to be open about her darkeremotions. Lou, it seemed, had taken that lesson to heart.

She was going to lose him. She was going to lose him becauseshe hadn’t been strong enough to resist.

“Hey.” He sat up, reaching for her hand.

She would have moved out of reach, but he was fast. Helooked up, seeming to search her face.

“Baby, are you okay? That was a lot, and you haven’t criedyet, have you?”

“I don’t do that anymore.” She tried not to. When she wasyounger she would bottle things up, a leftover habit from when it had been justher and her mom, and she couldn’t put more on her mom so she would let it buildand build and then spend hours in her closet, crying.

TJ had found her once, and he’d climbed in with her and heldher hand for the longest time.

“If you haven’t then you need to.” He tangled their fingers together.“Today was a lot, and I would bet you still haven’t processed the fact that wenearly lost Tasha. It’s been a hell of a couple of weeks, and you haven’tpurged at all, have you? You’ve been shoving it all down so you don’t worryyour friends.”

He was correct on all points. There was a storm brewing, andif she didn’t do something about it, she might explode. Except she couldn’t.She’d tried. The week before, she’d even gone into her closet with a book thatwas sure to make her cry and she’d ended up sitting there feeling numb.

“We had a fight. A pretty big one. That has to have thrownyou. I know it did for me. I don’t like not being right with you. Come here.Let me hug you.”

That was the last thing she needed. The lines were tooblurred right now. She liked them nice and neat, to know exactly how to behaveand what to expect. She didn’t have that with him now. Now all she had waschaos. “A hug isn’t going to work, and we have other things we need to doincluding going downstairs and proving to everyone we can still beprofessional.”

“Yeah, I don’t care what they think. I only care about howtight you seem. I can do this any number of ways. We were interrupted earliertoday. We didn’t get to finish.”

“I’m not having sex with you so I can cry.” But it soundedso good. If only she could manage the mental hurdles it would take to justifyit.

He patted his lap. “Then let’s try this a different way.Over my knee.”
