Page 32 of Live, Love, Spy

He’d only kissed her once, and now she was addicted to it.Her whole body shifted to consciousness, ready to leave crappy dreams behind.This dream was better.

His tongue ran across her lips, demanding entry, and shegave it to him. He deepened the kiss, his tongue a powerful presence even ashis hands were moving down, cupping her breast.

He kissed her until she was sure she was drugged withwanting.

There was a brief knock on the door and then it opened, BigTag standing there with what looked like two mugs of coffee. “It’s time to…Why? Why are you doing this to me?”

Shit. She scrambled to get TJ off her because somehow he’dmanaged to maneuver her bra off so her left boob was hanging out. She struggledto right herself.

TJ calmly stood and walked to the door, seeming not to carethat his penis was erect and pressing against his boxers. He slammed the doorright in his uncle’s face. Then seemed to rethink. He opened it again, took thecoffee, and slammed it again.

And locked it.

“See, if you’d done that the first time, we wouldn’t havethis problem,” his uncle said through the door.

TJ ignored him, handing her the mug and frowning. “You mightas well take that off. It’s cool. The door’s locked, and he knows not to comein. Let me see you.”

“I’m pretty sure you’ve seen more than enough of me.” Shestraightened her clothes. What had happened? Why the hell had he kissed herlike that? Was something still wrong? Maybe they’d done more than use a taseron him. “You know we’re out of that place, right? We’re at a safe house here inGermany. Your parents are here. Should I go get them?”

He frowned her way like she’d said something completelyunexpected. “Do you want my parents to watch us fuck? Because you should knowmy mom will critique us, and I don’t know we’re ready for that as acouple yet.”

She forced herself to stand. His dick was right there. Ithad kind of found the exit in his boxers and was poking out as though lookingfor her. His heat-seeking missile. God, he was hot. Even with all thosebruises, he was the most gorgeous man she’d ever seen.

“Keep looking at me like that, baby, and I’ll give my unclesomething that will really freak him out.” TJ’s lips had kicked up in thesexiest smirk. He set his coffee down.

“Hey, I was trying to get you two up because we have adebrief in five.” Big Tag’s voice was only slightly muffled. “So you shouldhurry through whatever it is you think you need to do but probably shouldn’taround delicate old people.”

“You might only last a couple of minutes, old man, but I’mgoing to need more time. We’ll be down in an hour,” TJ offered.

“We’re ready now,” Lou corrected. It was obvious something wasup with TJ.

When she started to move to the door, his big armclotheslined her midsection, and she found herself falling back on the bed, TJon top of her. “What’s going on?”

“We’re supposed to be in a meeting.” She wasn’t sure what tosay now that they were here. It had seemed so obvious before, but now he loomedover her, and there was zero way to miss the sexual tension between them.

There hadn’t been sexual tension between them before, sherealized. There had been comfort and ease and friendship. This thing betweenthem, the live wire that now threatened to shock her, had been utterly missing.

“They’ll wait. I made you a promise.”

She shook her head even as her pelvis seemed to tilt of itsown accord, sliding over the hard edge of his erection, and it felt so damngood. It felt like heaven. “I’m not holding you to anything. It was a momentout of time. We’re back in reality now, and we should probably try to forget ithappened.”

He frowned down at her. “Forget? Forget that we’re togethernow?”

How often had she dreamed he would say those words? That hewould look at her and finally see her and know they were supposed to betogether? Now. He picked now, just as she was starting to date and move on withher life. “No. I’m sorry, but I was supposed to go in and make sure we wereready for extraction. I was worried you would say too much and blow my cover.So I apologize if I gave you some false signals.”

“False signals?” If he was offended by her words, he didn’tshow it. “Like the way your pussy is already wet and ready for sex? Like thatfalse signal? You have a well-trained vagina there, Ward. Do they teach that inspy school?”

He wasn’t taking her seriously at all. “You should get offme.”

“No. I think this is a conversation best had with some realintimacy because I don’t think you understand what happened back there.”

It was clear she didn’t understand anything, but she’d madea plan and she was sticking with it. “I do. You were emotional. You thought youwere going to die, and you clung to someone you’re comfortable with.”

A brow rose over his eyes. “You make me sound like a scaredlittle boy. I didn’t cling to you. I had my tongue up your pussy. That’s notclinging. That’s a fucking mission statement. And don’t think we’re not goingto talk about the whole weapons cache and all your badass knife skills. Baby,most of the reason I stayed away was because I didn’t think you could handle myneeds. That was my fault. I didn’t talk to you. I should have, but I wasworried if we tried and failed that would mean you were out of my life, and Icouldn’t handle the thought. I decided that sex wasn’t worth our friendship.”

It wasn’t anything she hadn’t heard before. He’d always toldher he thought she was gorgeous, but he couldn’t risk their friendship. She’dthought it was BS meant to keep her in his orbit for as long as he wanted herthere.

Lou sighed. That wasn’t what she truly thought. What she’dalways known was that it couldn’t work if TJ wasn’t all in. “And now?”