Page 28 of Live, Love, Spy

Kala didn’t let up. “That is what I am asking. I happen toknow Lou likes briefs. Cotton briefs. That’s her jam. So the question is did mycousin debrief you, and that is what made my dad blind?”

Zach actually gasped. It was such a surprised sound comingfrom the normally rock steady, let-nothing-get-to-him captain he was. “Oh,fuck. It was bad when I thought this was about TJ taking a leak or something andthe glasses caught his dick swinging. Did the big boss see you and TJ doing it?Holy crap. You and TJ did it in his interrogation cell?”

“We’ll never hear the end of this,” Cooper said with a shakeof his head. He turned onto what looked to be a main road. They were somewherein Bavaria, green forest rising all around them.

The forest where fairy tales were born.

Some fairy tale she had. Even her one and only encounterwith the man of her dreams had turned into a nightmare. “Maybe he won’t want totalk about it. You know he sometimes buries trauma deep. He’s always telling usto swallow pain down like real men do.”

“You’ve met him, right?” Zach asked.

“Lou, my father is going to talk about this moment untildeath takes him.” Kala sat back, propping her feet on the sleeping guard. “Hewill bring it up at every meeting, every party he ever goes to for the rest ofhis life, so we need a reasonable explanation because we have to avoid this atall costs. So let’s think, people. Why would Lou get caught without her undies?I need solutions.”

“I don’t think there’s another explanation that Big Tag willaccept,” Zach said with a shake of his head. He’d pulled the balaclava off hishead and stowed his rifle and tactical vest. Cooper had done the same, so therewouldn’t be questions from the locals about a paramilitary group wandering thecountryside.

“So we really think Lou and TJ were going at it?” Coopasked. “We don’t want to, you know, come up with something else.”

“Yes, some other reason,” Kala insisted. “Did one of theguards like punch your pussy and you needed TJ to make sure your pelvis wasn’tbroken?”

“Yeah.” Coop got into it. “I told Big Tag I was worriedbecause those guys seemed rough with her. We can work with this.”

She was slightly offended. After all the sex she’d beenaround because her friends were perverts of the highest order, and this waswhat she got from them? Like sex was for everyone but Lou, who should staysweet and pure and never have a single physical need of her own. “Well, ifthat’s the option you choose, you’re going to have to explain why TJ felt theneed to use his tongue during his very thorough examination.”

Kala went a bit pale, and Coop stiffened.

That felt better. If she was going to do the time, shewasn’t apologizing for the crime. Well, she also wasn’t going to tell them thereal truth. That she’d gotten so caught in the moment she hadn’t thought aboutanything but how that man could make her feel. “The glasses went out when weentered the compound. I wasn’t sure how long you would be.”

“So you went straight for oral?” Kala had a hand to herhead. “This is worse than I thought. We should keep driving. I didn’t like thisjob anyway. Coop, let’s go to one of those countries my dad doesn’t believeexists. Oooo, Luxembourg. He thinks it’s a Europeanjoke.”

How should she explain? “No, I didn’t go straight for oral.I didn’t go… TJ was hurt and I was nervous, and we might have gotten emotional.Honestly, I needed to give him something to do because he wanted to talk toomuch.”

“That’s why you had sex with TJ?” Zach had his head turned,a brow cocked over his eyes. A judgmental brow.

“I didn’t exactly have… Not in a full-on sense. It was morelike a distraction in a lot of ways.” Yes, that was what had happened. Sure.She hadn’t been ready to keep her legs spread, to let him shove his cock inwithout anything close to protection. Nope. That hadn’t happened.

“You distracted him?” Cooper asked. “You couldn’t have likegiven him a riddle to solve or something?”

“You should think about that because my dad will ask thesame questions,” Kala pointed out.

“He can ask away. I’m sure it wasn’t the best way to do it,but I also couldn’t come straight out and tell TJ not to talk because they werelistening in.” She was lying to everyone. She could have found a hundred waysto get him to stop talking. “And don’t blame him for that. He’s hurt. They usedtasers on him.” She’d seen the dart marks where they’d burned him from stayingon far too long. She shifted his T-shirt, letting the rest get a look at theburns on his abs. “We don’t know what else happened to him while he was inthere. He was traumatized.”

“He didn’t look traumatized when he had his tongue down yourthroat in the middle of the hallway in a hostile environment,” Zach pointedout.

“You kissed him again?” Kala asked.

“He kissed me.” And it had felt like… It had been so muchmore than she’d dreamed. She’d seen another side of the man, and she liked it.TJ was always sweet and solicitous. He was funny and kind.

He was dark and dominant, and when he’d given her commands,she’d felt something she never had before. She was a founding member of TheHideout, but she’d didn’t play often. Mostly she put on the most modest fet wear she could find and hung out in the lounge. She’dtaken the classes and was happy to be used for demonstration purposes, butshe’d never taken a Dom or had sex in the club. Kala always did her aftercare.

When TJ had stopped her in the hallway, she’d had a visionof them at the club, on her knees, with him looming over her before theyperformed a scene that would give them both exactly what they needed.

“Look, Kala. It was a high-pressure situation, and it gotemotional,” Lou explained.

“Oh, god, that’s even worse. Yeah, talk about the emotionwhen my dad starts in on you. That’ll make him run,” Kala replied.

She wasn’t getting any help from there. “How far away arewe?”

“Not far enough that I can come up with any otherexplanation,” Cooper replied. “We’re in a cabin about a mile from here. Do wethink TJ needs a medic? Big Tag might want to move quickly.”