Page 23 of Live, Love, Spy

She never had. All her damn life it had been TJ. Even whenthey were thousands of miles apart, he was the center of her universe. She hadto stop, had to find balance and a way to have a good life without him, but shecouldn’t think about that now. Her mind was probably blaring warning signals,but her body wasn’t listening. Red flags be damned, she was going to have this.Here in this one place, she was going to be what she’d dreamed of. His lover.His submissive. And that meant there was no room for lies. “Yes. Only you.”

She worried it would only be him forever.

He leaned over and put his face right against her pussy,breathing her in.

That shouldn’t be so damn sexy. It should be weird andawkward. It shouldn’t make her hips want to tilt up, make her want to grip hisshoulders and force him to give her more.

He dragged the panties off and maneuvered them over herboots. “I’ll get you naked in a minute, but I can’t wait. I have to know. YearsI’ve gone not knowing the most important thing.” His face tilted up, and therewas fire in his gaze. “How you taste.”

And then she couldn’t breathe or think or do anything butfeel the heat of his mouth on her pussy. He devoured her. His tongue parted herlabia, dragging along her sensitive flesh and making her vision go fuzzy. Fuzzierthan normal. She needed contacts when TJ was half naked on top of her.

No. She couldn’t think that way…couldn’t…

His tongue stroked over her clitoris, and a finger slippedinside her pussy.

That felt like heaven. He seemed to settle in, finding aplace for himself between her legs. She’d never once felt so wanton, so fuckingsexy. She’d had full-on sex and it hadn’t felt like this. Nothing else in theworld mattered except the slow stroke of his tongue, the way his fingers curledup inside her, seeking that spot no one had truly stroked before.

It was all it took. She couldn’t hold it back, that feelingthat had started to build from the minute he’d looked at her with that dark,dominant gaze, rushed through her veins like a drug.

And she was already an addict.

TJ wasn’t done. He ate her pussy like a man on a mission.Like a starving man. Like a man who’d longed for this one taste all of his lifeand he finally, finally found relief.

His tongue delved deep, lapping her up. His hands pressedher thighs open. “I need more.”

“Dear fucking god, what the hell am I seeing, Louisa Ward?Tell me that is not my nephew. What have I said about fucking on a mission?Tell me you are not fucking the fucking target in a fucking cage.”

All thoughts of pleasure fled as those words came throughthe receivers in her ears. They were connected to the glasses but worked aslong as they were in close proximity. Which they were.

“Baby, what’s wrong?” TJ’s eyes were wide, and he scrambledto his feet. “Did I hurt you?”

Her team had made it way faster than she’d imagined. They’dobviously taken out the jammer, and now they would be able to see through theglasses. That were sitting on the nightstand giving whoever was watching aspectacular vision of her…everything. She was fairly certain her gynecologisthadn’t seen as much of her as her team just had.

What had she done?

“I’m sorry. It’s not a cage, exactly. It’s more of a room,”she said, knowing the person on the other end of the line could hear her fine.

That person being her boss. Ian Taggart. It had been hisgrumpy voice that had come over the line.

“Are you okay? I didn’t mean to hurt you, Lou,” TJ wassaying, and she could still see her arousal glistening on his lips.

What the hell had she done?

“Do you think I needed to see that, Lou? Do you think myeyes can handle that? They can’t. I’m going to turn in my Agency credentialsbecause I am obviously a horrible mentor if I haven’t even taught the smartestmember of my team to not have sex while in captivity. I will never fuckingrecover from that. Your father is going to murder me, and he’ll eat me all inone meal. Good god, tell my nephew to get his dick under control.”

Her whole body was red. She was sure of it. The pleasure wasstill kind of low key there, but it was warring with righteous embarrassmentthat the man who was kind of a bonus dad had caught her having sex with hisnephew. In the middle of a mission.

“Give me that,” a familiar voice said. Kenzie, she wouldbet. “Way to finally find your freaky side, Lou. While my father bleaches hiseyeballs, you need to blow that door. Tasha has taken over the CCTV cams, andKala is already on her way in with Coop and Zach. You’ve got one on the door.Take him out, and your prize is his M-15. Kala and Coop will be coming from thehall to your right. Zach is going into the west side of the building if youneed him. They’re waiting for my go, and I won’t give it until I know you’vegot the door open.”

She pushed TJ off and forced herself to go cold, letting hertraining take over.

Kenzie was right. It was go time.

Chapter Four

TJ had no idea what was going on. One minute he’d been inheaven. He’d had his mouth on her, tasting her freaking orgasm. He’d realizedwhat he’d been missing all along. He’d thought he had zero to offer her, buther reaction had proven him wrong. Those smart boys she liked to hang aroundwith hadn’t made her come.

And the next she was pushing him off and talking like therewas someone else in the room with them.