Page 21 of Live, Love, Spy

“Do you know how long I’ve wanted you?”

“Don’t. I don’t want to talk about it. If you insist ontrying to convince me the last ten years were about you protecting me, thenthis ends now,” she said, fire in her eyes. She stepped back.

And he didn’t like that. He reached out and gripped her wrist.He’d always thought Lou could be a heinous, glorious brat if she ever gave thelifestyle a real try.

“Don’t want to talk about how much I want you? Don’t want totalk about how much fucking time I’ve wasted for both of us? You need to understandthat if we get out of this, everything changes.”

“Nothing will change,” she vowed, her gaze going steely.“You’re scared. That’s all this is.”

“Then you don’t have anything to worry about, baby. Tell meyou don’t want me and I’ll back off. We can sit here until they come for us,and then I’ll do everything I can to make sure you survive this. But if there’seven the tiniest part of you that doesn’t want to die without knowing, thendon’t make me walk away.”

“There’s nowhere to walk to. We’re caught here,” she pointedout.

And they always had been. Since the day he’d met her, he’dbeen caught somehow. First out of fascination for the girl who knew so much,and later for the gorgeous young woman she’d become. Lou had been his. Only his,even when she dated other guys and he tried to find someone on his level thathe could feel half what he felt for her. “Yes, we are. So what are we going todo about it?”

She pulled her wrist from his hand, and for a moment hethought she was going to fight him, to retreat and leave him aching. He woulddie aching for her.

She turned and slid the glasses off her face and set them onthe nightstand. And then stared at him while she pulled her shirt over herhead.

Fuck. His whole body went hard.

“This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever done,” she whispered.“I’m going to get such a lecture.”

He wasn’t sure who would lecture her, but he didn’t care.All that mattered was the fact that Lou was half naked and saying yes.

Everything changed after this. They would die or betogether, and he wouldn’t let her go. He would move fucking heaven and earth tostay with her, and he would find a way to be what she needed. He tugged his ownshirt overhead and tossed it to the side.

Thank god she wasn’t wearing her glasses because otherwiseshe would see every wound he’d taken. Even without them, she gasped.

He didn’t want her sweet sympathy. He caught her hand again.“No. Not now. I’m fine, and I won’t have you holding back on me. This might bethe only time we’re together, and I want everything from you. I want you totake everything I can give you. Pretend we’re in the club. We’re at The Hideoutand I’ve carried you off to a privacy room, and you obey me there. I might be adumbass in every other aspect of my life, but not there. There I give you whatyou need.”

Her gaze softened. “TJ,” she began.

He twisted her wrist gently, turning her so she was heldagainst his chest, her round ass nestled to his cock. He leaned in so he couldwhisper against her ear. “No TJ here. You call me Sir.”

Her breath caught, and for a second he worried she wouldrefuse, and the sweetest huff came from her mouth. “Sir.”

That was what he needed. His cock twitched, so fuckingeager. One arm wound around her waist. He had no idea how long they had, but heneeded to make it good for her. “Tell me yes, Lou.”

Her head fell back against his chest. “Yes. Yes, Sir.”

His arms tightened, and he knew he would never let her go.Not until the very end.

* * * *

Lou’s body felt electric.

This…this was what had been missing with the others. Notthat there had been many. She’d had a boyfriend in undergrad. Neil. He’d beenas studious as she was, and they’d been excellent study partners who’d triedsex a couple of times, and it fizzled out when he’d moved to Cal Tech for hispost-grad work. Not that it had been all that hot in the first place. And thenshe’d had a brief relationship with another professor at UT Austin, which hadbeen easy to walk away from.

TJ’s hand moved up to cup her breast. His big, manly hand.She felt his lips against her ear. “You’re so fucking gorgeous, baby. I want tosee your breasts. I’m going to get my hands on them, put my mouth on them.”

She’d been worried when her glasses had fritzed out asthey’d entered the compound. Up until then she’d had Kala in her ear. Theglasses were an updated version of the ones she’d designed a couple of yearsback. They were smart glasses, a technological leap forward from the ones onthe market today made possible by a combination of CIA funding and a whole lotof Drew Lawless cash. Those glasses looked perfectly normal, but they sent backall sorts of information to her team. They could listen in and see everythingshe saw. They sent coordinates, and she could even access the Internet when sheneeded to. She could hear what Kala said through micro receivers concealedinside her outer ear.

Not that she could hear anything now since they’d stoppedworking. That was when she’d realized she might be in trouble.

TJ pulled at the straps of her bra. It was a solid bra. Shehadn’t dressed for seduction, but then she never did. She dressed for comfortand practicality. She’d dressed for the German weather, which would be chilly.

She kind of wished she’d let Kenzie dress her in somethingpretty. It was the only time she was ever going to be with the man of herdreams and she was in cotton undies and an industrial-strength bra.