“Hello, old friend. We’re going to have a little chat,” shesaid with a predatory smile.
Dennis’s eyes rolled to the back of his head, and he passedout.
Ben Parker stood on the second-floor landing, a sniper riflein his hands.
Dennis wasn’t the only one who was getting a talking to.
Four hours later, Lou’s backside still felt like it was onfire, but she wasn’t going to complain because TJ hadn’t yet found a plug. Andit was possible that he could easily find one since they were in the conferenceroom at The Hideout.
To say TJ had taken exception to her plan to end theconflict would be putting things mildly.
But he’d let her do it. He’d trusted her. He’d shoved hisfear and insecurity aside and let them be the badass couple they could be. Notthat it saved her ass, but it felt like a good exchange.
After she’d managed to get Parker to show himself, TJ hadlost his cool utterly. First, he’d tried to kill Parker. While those two hadbeen beating on each other, Lou had taken time to assure herself Dennis hadn’tsuffered a heart attack from sheer fear. Then Zach and Cooper had broken up thefight and called the whole fiasco in to base.
While they’d been awaiting the cleanup crew, TJ had takenhis anxiety out on her poor backside. Right in front of everyone.
And then he’d wrapped her in his arms and told her again andagain how much he loved her.
“We didn’t know what he was planning.” Samantha Knightlooked earnest as she turned to face the big boss. Her curly blonde hair wasdown, and she looked young and not at all like a person who routinely stolestate secrets.
“We didn’t know he’d set up that young man,” her brothercontinued. “I assure you I wouldn’t have put your team in that situationwithout your full backing.”
“I had a man in place.” Parker sat at the end of the table,his right eye only a little swollen.
“A man who died,” Big Tag pointed out.
Ben’s expression shuttered. “Yes, and I’ll have that bloodon my hands, but that happened because your team rushed in withoutunderstanding the situation at all.”
The fact that Kala wasn’t sitting in on this meeting was ablessing because she would likely have tried to finish the job TJ had started.Her dad had asked Kala to sit in on the debrief with Dennis. Drake Radcliffehad sent in a bunch of lawyers to ensure Dennis understood what he could andcouldn’t talk about. Charlotte was there so everything ran smoothly and herdaughter didn’t murder anyone.
At least she wouldn’t have to worry about Dennis comingaround again. “I assure you my team knew what was going on. I had the comms onmy glasses on. Not only could the team see what was happening, they could hear,and I gave them plenty of verbal cues. What did you expect to happen?”
“Yes, Parker, illuminate us.” Big Tag sat at the front ofthe conference table, his gaze on the Canadian.
Maybe Charlotte had picked the wrong member of her family towatch over so they didn’t end up in jail.
“I know I’d like to understand the thought process behindthat clusterfuck of a situation.” Zach was the only team member besides her andTJ at this meeting. Cooper had gone with Kala, and Tasha was meeting them atthe club. Kenzie was probably fuming in the locker room.
Of course, if she was in here, she would likely be trying toconvince everyone Ben had the best of intentions.
Lou understood why he’d done what he’d done, but she had tothink there could have been another way.
“The operative I had embedded couldn’t get me the proof Ineeded. Huisman was very careful about coming and going. Terry hadn’t even beenable to get eyes on him,” Parker explained. “I’m on a tight leash with this op.My boss gave me two more weeks to prove my theory or he was going to reassignme and close the case. I know what Manny’s planning, and I knew I couldn’t letthat happen.”
“You knew they’d taken TJ,” Big Tag accused.
Parker nodded tightly. “Yes. I also knew they weren’tplanning to kill him. I had control. I had a man who was going to get him out,but I needed to give him time. Huisman was there, wasn’t he?”
TJ’s gaze was steely as he took in the Canadian operative.“Someone was there.”
Lou turned his way. “Babe, you know what happened. Huberconfirmed that he was there. Let’s not have gone through all of this and notget crucial intelligence.”
“He put you in danger,” TJ said stubbornly.
“And I’m fine,” she replied, taking his hand. It was good tobe able to do that whenever she liked. “Well, except for my backside.”