Page 125 of Live, Love, Spy

There wasn’t a lot of parking in this part of town. “It’sjust around the corner, if my GPS is right.”

“I’m starting a timer,” Cooper announced. “We spend exactlyone hour so Lou can convince TJ her old… What are we calling him? He wasn’t aboyfriend.”

“Her ex-asshole,” Kala offered.

“We’re giving her an hour to prove her ex-asshole isn’t someweird criminal mastermind who’s been plotting his revenge for years and thenwe’re heading to the club,” Cooper said. “Parker’s coming in again tonight, andDare’s agreed to spend time with him. And yes, I know Tash is going to kill usall, but Dare’s our best bet at figuring out if Parker’s a rabid beaver.”

Kala’s grin was as bright as all the neon signs. “Thanks, bab…” She seemed to straighten up. “Thanks, man. Iappreciate the support.”

Kala had been all for the send Dare in plan, while Kenziehad taken Tasha’s side. They’d agreed to let Dare decide, and he had notdecided the way Tash had wanted him to. So they were arguing and Kenzie was onTasha’s side and the guys had sided with Dare, and Big Tag had opened a bottleof Scotch and Lou was feeling anxious again.

Because she might lose them all. Because her decision wasmade.

She looked down at her phone again, trying to figure out ifthey were going the right way.

“Hey, guys, keep smiling but I think we might have a tail,”Zach said, his smile totally masking what was likely his awareness heightening.“The tall guy in black parked close to us, and he’s stayed a block back sincewe started walking.”

They huddled around Lou, looking for all the world like theywere trying to figure out which way to go.

“I can circle around and get behind him,” Kala offered.

Cooper sent her a Dom stare that would not work on Kala. Lougave him credit, though. He kept trying. “Yeah, because he won’t notice thepink-haired bombshell walking behind him. You kind of stand out, babe.”

He placed an emphasis on the word Kala hadn’t been able tosay. Her nose wrinkled. “I can blend when I want to.”

She actually could, but she didn’t have time to tone itdown.

“It’s probably Parker,” Zach said. “If I were him, I wouldset someone up to watch us. It’s why we’ve been so careful not having Kala andKenz together in public. We just need to be aware we’re being watched. Act likenothing’s out of the ordinary, and we move on. Kenzie’s in lockdown until wecan switch her out at the club.”

But now they had a complication. “They’ll see Kala go in andwonder why she enters a second time.”

A groan came from Zach’s throat. “All right, we’ll go intothis bar, and I’ll call her. We need another plan. But I’m with Coop. One hour,tops. I hope you can soak in all the nostalgia you can in that sixty minutesbecause after we’re all going into lockdown until the Canadian’s gone.”

Lou didn’t mind the idea. She and TJ could curl up on thecouch with Bud 2 and watch movies when they weren’t working.

When she wasn’t trying to find a way out of the trap someonewas trying to put him in.

Of course, they would all be waiting to see if she couldsolve the mystery before the Agency dragged TJ in for questioning. Tried to, becausethey had plans in place to get him out before it could happen.

“Hey, it’s going to be okay.” TJ leaned in and brushed hislips over hers. “We’ll cuddle up and catch up on some TV.”

They were really in synch when she let them be. She gave hima half smile because even if they ran, there was no guarantee someone wouldn’tcatch them. “Sounds good. And I think we can cut down this alley and it shouldbe on our right.”

TJ’s hand found hers as Kala took the lead.

Cooper joined Kala, and Zach took up their six.

She’d noticed that TJ had checked the back of his jeanswhere he’d loaded a holster with a semiautomatic before they’d left the office.

Maybe they should have stayed at home, but she needed him totake this seriously, and investigating Dennis Sims was going to waste time.Time they might not have.

Lou glanced behind her and sure enough, the man in black wasthere. He stopped at the entrance to the alleyway and seemed to make adecision, pausing briefly before walking past like he wasn’t following them.

Yeah, she didn’t believe that at all, and she noticed theman suddenly had a cell in his hand and he was talking as he walked away.

“All right,” Zach said, moving them all along. “So we haveto consider he’s calling in reinforcements. We need to split up.”

“Kala and I are going to sit in that coffee shop right thereand keep watch on the door,” Cooper offered. “You go in with TJ and Lou.”