Page 97 of Live, Love, Spy


Lou came awake to a gentle knock on her bedroom door.

The events of the previous night came slamming back into hermostly because she had a big, muscular arm wrapped around her waist.

TJ. He was in her bed. When they’d come home from the club,TJ hadn’t bothered going into the room he’d been assigned to. Nope. He’d walkedright in with her and had her on her back before she could ask him what he wasdoing.

Then there had been no doubt what he was doing because he’dshoved his cock deep and had her crying out his name.

Damn it. She’d meant to keep it to the club. Oh, she’d knownit would be hard, but it was just supposed to be sex. Nothing more. A way to gethim out of her system.

She was pretty sure she was addicted to him now.

“Lou, we have company,” a familiar voice whispered. “Thekind you need to talk to. Oliver and Sami have gotten authorization to give ussome intel. I’m afraid this is a you thing.”

“What?” Lou had to blink to focus. The door to her bedroomwas open and a big white and brown dog was smiling at her.

Bud 2. Even more Bud. The twins loved a big, dumb, adorableand cuddly rescue. They’d adopted the massive mutt when they’d moved into thisplace. He was some kind of St. Bernard/Great Dane mix. He sounded impressive.He looked like he would lick an intruder to death.

Kala stuck her head in, her nose wrinkling when she saw TJin bed with her. “Ewww. Get dressed and come out tothe dining room. Let Sleeping Beauty get his rest.”

“I’m trapped,” Lou whispered back. His arm was heavy.

“Just roll out,” Kala advised. “And don’t worry about wakinghim up. Everyone jokes about how dead he is when he’s sleeping.Especially…well, at the time we were talking about him playing sports reallyhard…”

Her best friend was never going to let her live this down.

Of course, if he was telling her the truth and nothingchanged between them except that they were together in every way, Kala wouldget used to it. The question was would TJ get used to sometimes waking up withKala in their bed because she didn’t believe in a lot of privacy. If she had astory to tell Lou at the ass crack of dawn, she would crawl in beside her.

Which she might do now if Lou didn’t move fast enough.

Lou eased from under his arm, causing TJ to mutter in hissleep. Something about hot dogs and how he couldn’t find one. She wasn’t sure.She had a momentary revelation that he was more like her dad than she should becomfortable with. “I’ll be there in a minute. Unless I should pull a Kenzie andgo to a briefing with my boobs hanging out.”

“I think all that would do is make Zach’s head explode. Comeon. I put coffee on, and the Brits brought donuts. They’re acting like it’s anexotic food to them. They’re weird,” Kala said with a shake of her head. Sheleaned over to put a hand on Bud’s head. “Try not to wake him up. I’d likeOliver to forget he’s here. I think they still suspect him, and they’re goingto until you tear their evidence apart. Come on, buddy. Let’s grab somebreakfast.”

Lou closed the door and took the world’s fastest shower,dressing in clothes she would normally wear to the office. It depended on whatthey handed over, but she would likely spend the afternoon at her office usingthe ridiculously high-powered systems she kept there.

It might be good to spend some time away from TJ. She neededto get her head on straight.

Lou quietly closed the bedroom door behind her and wonderedif he planned to move his stuff straight in to her room or if they would keepup the pretense of him staying in Tasha’s.

Kala had been right. TJ had simply turned over and was nowhugging her body pillow, a smile on his face.

God, he was so gorgeous. And weird, and that did somethingfor her.

She had to get her head in the game. She forced herself towalk out.

“Well, hello, Lou.” Oliver was sitting at her dining roomtable, a mug of something hot in front of him. Despite the early hour, he wasin a button-down and slacks, his hair messy in that way that had probably takenhim hours in front of a mirror. “You seemed to have fun last night.”

“Hey, I told you not to tease her.” Zach walked in wearinghis normal jeans and black T-shirt. “Lou, you okay this morning? Last night waspretty intense.”

Lou felt her face heat. “You heard something? Who talkedabout us? I was under the impression everyone thought it was an undercoverthing.”

For their first baby op at the club, it seemed to have gonewell. Kenzie hadn’t disappeared with Ben, though the sexual innuendo had beenheavy when she and TJ had joined them in the lounge. There had been a lot oflonging looks between the two of them when Dare and Tasha had taken Ben to hishotel.

Zach winced and took the seat at the head of the table. “Uh,unlike the big guy, my eyes work even if you guys are doing sex stuff. TJ waspretty handsy in the bar, and apparently he threatened to murder Lucas, which Ican understand. I’d like to murder him half the time and then he sticks a plateof something in front of me and I think he’s a national treasure. Anyway, I hearda lot of speculation that one of you is using this undercover thing to get whathe’s always wanted.”

“Don’t you mean what she’s always wanted?” Lou asked, wellaware she’d always been the one chasing.