Page 87 of Live, Love, Spy

Which was why tonight was so fucking important.

Cooper chuckled. “Well, at least you’re going into this withsome confidence.” He sobered, crossing his arms over his chest. “All right, I’mgoing to ask. What changed between the two of you? I mean why now? I know Lou’sbeen telling certain people that she thinks it’s a response to what happened toyou.”

TJ groaned. “It’s not. Or maybe it is. Does it matter whythe wake-up call happened? I think all that should matter is that I am awakenow, and I know what I want.”

“Yeah, well knowing what you want doesn’t always make herwant you back,” Cooper replied, and then shook his head. “Forget I said that. Idon’t want to talk about that right now.”

“You sure? Because we can go there. I probably know herbetter than any of the other guys,” TJ offered. Kala was tight with him becausethey shared Lou’s friendship.

“I know my mom’s an actual psychologist, but I do not seethe need to talk shit out,” Cooper admitted. “I guess I’m more like my dad.Well, not biologically, of course.”

“I don’t think your dad gives a shit about biology.”Sometimes he had to be reminded that both Cooper and his younger brother,Hunter, had been adopted. His parents had never hidden that from either ofthem, and there was zero evidence the boys had been treated differently thantheir sister, who had been born to their parents. Vivian didn’t see them asanything but her big brothers. Still, TJ often thought Cooper tried to beperfect in order to make sure he fit in, to ensure his parents never regrettedadopting him.

“I know. Again, nothing I want to talk about tonight.”Cooper seemed to close himself off, staring at the door with every bit of focusTJ had.

But TJ was waiting on Lou to walk out and offer herself upto him for the night. Kala wouldn’t be doing that for Cooper.

So a change of subject was needed because he knew when awall had gone up.

There were a few things he needed to talk to Cooper aboutwhile they were waiting for their women. Kala could pretend all she liked, buthe knew she was still in love with Cooper. It was kind of sad watching themplay with other people when what they really wanted was to find a sub totorture together before going at each other hard in a privacy room. “Hey, I hada talk with Aidan earlier today, and I’m almost certain he lied to me.”

A brow rose over Coop’s eyes. “Aidan? Why would he lie?”

Normally he wouldn’t. Normally Aidan was atell-it-like-it-is guy. As a doctor, TJ wasn’t sure it made for a great bedsidemanner, but it was the truth. And that meant something was wrong. “I asked himif he’d talked to Tristan recently. Didn’t you have the feeling they’ve cut offcontact?”

Cooper nodded. “Yeah. Tristan gives this whole song anddance about how they’ve grown apart since Aidan and Carys started theirresidencies. But I don’t understand because they got through medical schoolwith him being halfway around the world most of the time. Why now?”

That was a question he was asking a lot lately. “Something’sgoing on that we don’t understand. I think he knows something about whatever itis Tris is doing. I’m not even sure I buy the whole breakup thing. I’m notsaying this to gossip…”

Cooper put up a hand. “You’re worried that something’s goingon with Tris we don’t know about. I am, too. I love the guy, but he can be areckless motherfucker. I’m worried about you, too, though. I’ll feel betteronce Lou’s gone through whatever they have. Though I have to admit, it’ssomething I wish Tris was in on, too. I’ve called his cell and told him what’shappening and I’ve gotten nothing back.”

“If he’s working an op with either the military or anotherteam, you know he might not have access to his phone.” TJ felt the need todefend his friend. Family, really. Though there wasn’t blood between them, he’dgrown up with Tristan. “You have to know whatever he’s doing, he believes he’shelping.”

“Or he’s trying to prove himself,” Cooper said under hisbreath. “You know he’s always trying to live up to his dad. Though it’s notlike Adam ever demanded it. I don’t get his hang-up about his dad.”

And TJ didn’t get Cooper’s hang-up about being adopted. “Idon’t know. I think we find problems where there aren’t any. I know I’ve costme and Lou a lot of time. I did it because I was more worried about losing herthan I was making her happy. My parents didn’t teach me that. No matter howgreat our families are, we’ll still have problems, and there’s nothing wrongwith that.”

Cooper turned his way, shaking his head. “Sometimes I wonderif Aunt Erin is truly your mom, and then I remember who your dad is.”

TJ gave him a grin. “Hey, I’ve got my dad’s willingness totalk and my mom’s willingness to shoot. Best of both worlds.”

He heard a door opening down the hall and watched as Tasha’sfiancé walked out, escorting the new guy. Ben Parker was wearing a set ofleathers and looked slightly uncomfortable in them. He glanced down thehallway, and his eyes locked on Cooper.

“I was hoping to avoid this. Kala better stay in that roomor we’re going to have trouble,” Cooper said quietly. “If you…”

“I’ll handle it.” He would make sure Parker never realizedthere were two “Karas.”

“Hey, Cooper. I was hoping we would get a chance to talk,”Parker began.

Cooper’s expression went bland. It was obviously not hisnight. “About Kara?”

“Is that even her name?” Parker asked. “She knows mine. I’mnot sure why I can’t know hers.”

“Just because you play these things fast and loose doesn’tmean she does,” Cooper replied.

Damn. There was no small amount of jealousy in his friend’stone.

Because Parker wanted Ms. Magenta. At least he wanted herwhen she was played by Kenzie, but the trouble was at any given time she couldactually be Kala.