Page 45 of Live, Love, Spy

Damn it.

“I wouldn’t blow you off, Lou,” he said quietly.

“I have a memory burned into my brain that says you would,”his uncle added.

It feels like you are now. This feels like punishment.Should I get to my own seat?

It sucked that she was the only one who could communicate,but then he rather thought she liked that. He stroked her again and felt herrelax. They were going to have such a talk after this, but first he had twojobs to do, and only one of them involved his mouth, unfortunately. “Anyway,after a pretty full day of seeing how much electricity they could run throughmy body, they decided I wasn’t going to give in. That was when they explainedto me that they were going to the States to pick up something that would makeme talk. I’m going to admit that I tossed my mom straight under a bus.”

“You did what?” his dad asked.

Lou’s pussy tightened around his finger, and he knew she wasclose. So close to coming for him, and she was going to be a good girl and keepit quiet. She wouldn’t let anyone know what he was doing. His cock waspractically throbbing, but he ignored it. His cock would have to wait. He had aplay to run.

Make Lou crave him the way he craved her.

His mom merely smiled and winked his way. “Thanks, baby boy.It was fun. I hadn’t gotten jumped like that in a long time. And you know thereare privileges that come with age. I didn’t even have to bury the body on myown. All the fun. None of the responsibility.”

Lou’s fingers moved on the keys, but then no one would thinkanything of it. Lou was always somewhat distracted during a debrief, alwayslooking something up or making some kind of note.

So close. Please don’t stop.

His dad nodded as though understanding. “Ah, they floatedsome names out, and you begged them not to hurt your mom. Your delicate flowerof a mother.”

“Damn straight I am. Tag, you need to send me and Liam back outin the field. I have a taste for killing again,” his mom quipped.

“Well, Li’s got a taste for his recliner, so good luck withthat,” his uncle replied.

His parents had filled him in on how things had gone downfrom there. Cooper had played the part of the mercenary and Lou had been takenin, and voila, now they were here.

And he still had zero idea who The Jester was and why anyonewould think he was involved.

What he did know was how to blow Lou’s mind.

He pressed down on her clit and she gasped slightly, holdingherself still as he moved his thumb against her, stroked inside her with hisfinger.

His uncle closed his laptop and rubbed a place between hiseyes as though the day had been far too much for him. “All right. TJ, I’m goingto need a thorough written report.”

He felt the moment she came. It was there in the way sheshivered. In the way her fingers pressed against the keyboard, but nothing likeactual words came out. Just a bunch of rsand ps. Her lips pursed, and then she relaxed.

He should have known he would get punished for gettingkidnapped. Paperwork.

I’ll type it up. Promise.

Like she could read his mind. “I’ll get right on that.”

“And I’ll call in to Langley and see what I can find outabout The Jester,” his uncle promised. “And someone fucking find Tristan.”

“He’s on a secondary assignment, sir.” Zach stood and facedthe big boss. “I’ve tried to get in touch with him, but I was told it wasbeyond my paygrade.”

So Tristan was working some kind of black ops for anotherteam. Even his Uncle Ian wouldn’t be able to get information on where he was.

“I don’t like the sound of that,” his mother said. “I’llcall Adam and see if he knows anything.”

Kala was staring at him across the table. Like she knew whatwas happening.

He didn’t care if everyone knew. All that mattered was Louwas relaxed, and she sat back in his arms.

He gently withdrew his hand from her undies, sliding alongher thigh.