Page 41 of Live, Love, Spy

A shower he’d offered to take with her.

Longing welled up. All the man had to do is walk into a roomand she longed. She wanted.

Would satisfying that longing be enough? Because despite hiswords, he would go back to his job at some point, and he would remember all thereasons they didn’t fit.

“Was the piece that suddenly fit her boobs?” Kala wasrelentless.

“I haven’t gotten a really good look at those yet,” TJadmitted. “I saw them briefly in the compound, and I almost had that sucker offher when your dad walked in. Can you keep a leash on him? He’s wrecking mysuddenly important sex life.”

“TJ,” she hissed under her breath.

He gave her a heart-stopping grin and crossed the spacebetween them. “There’s no bullshit with this family. You should know that.We’re not polite. We’re not circumspect. When we’re in love, we’re pretty muchruthless as fuck, and then when we get what we want, we’re the absolute bestpartners in the world.”

Good for whoever he ended up with. “We’re not partners.”

“Yet. But that’s where the ruthless part comes in. Up untilnow you’ve dealt with a man who loved our friendship so much he was unwillingto risk it. Now I am, and you’ll see the other side of me. Come sit on my lap.”

“Is there a reason Dad’s dry heaving?” Tasha asked as shewalked in followed by Zach and Cooper.

“What did you two do?” Cooper slid in beside Kala withouteven looking for another seat.

“I am not sitting on your lap.” That was a terrible idea.They were supposed to be professional.

“It’s a nice lap, and there aren’t enough chairs,” hepointed out. “My parents are on their way in, and Dad’s back isn’t what it usedto be. I think we should take one for the team.” He leaned over. “I might beable to slide my hand under those panties of yours and make this meeting morefun, if you know what I mean.”

The words sent a shock of arousal through her system.

“Zach, you need to find an extra chair or my dad is going topop a couple of blood vessels in his eyes,” Tash said with a frown. “I’m notjoking. I don’t think he can take much more of this.”

“Like he’s never walked in on you and Dare.” TJ simply slidthat big, gorgeous body of his onto the seat next to hers, sliding an armaround the back. Possessively. Like she was his and it was a foregoneconclusion that he would get his way.

Tasha’s eyes narrowed even as Zach went off to find thatchair that would apparently save Big Tag. “Not even once. Dare respects myfather’s boundaries, and so do I.”

TJ and Kala snorted at the same time.

“I was not aware the man had boundaries until today,” Kenzieremarked with an eye roll. “He should understand that when Ben Parker and Ifinally have our epic happily ever after, we’re doing it all over the house.Everywhere. No place is untouched, and that is for Mr. Bear, who got stuckunder my parents and was ruined for all of time.”

“You did swear you would avenge him, sis.” Kala gave hertwin a quick fist bump. “But as for TJ, well, I’m watching you. Ruthless, myass.”

“I don’t need for her to believe me,” TJ promised, leaningin again. “Honestly, it might be better if you don’t believe me. I’m just yourfriend TJ. The same sweet guy you’ve always known. You can indulge me becausethere’s no way I would trap you and tie you down and fuck you until you can’tremember any man except me. Sweet TJ would never do that. I’m sure we’ll bewatching movies and petting puppies in no time at all because sweet TJ won’t bethinking of every single way he could have you. Every minute of every day.”

Who the fuck was he and why were her panties wet again?

“I can still hear you, and now I kind of want tovomit,” Kala complained.

“I’m actually thinking of betting for him now.” Kenzie waslooking at TJ with new respect.

“We are not doing that.” Lou needed to shut that shit down orshe and TJ would be at the center of The Hideout’s infamous betting book.

The whole stupid thing had been her idea because she’d readway too many romances set in the Regency where all the finest clubs had bettingbooks. It was mostly dumb stuff like whether or not Sally Sub could take threehours of foot tickling—she couldn’t. Or who would punch hardest. She’d modifieda punching bag with sensors to register the strength of a punch, converting thepower to joules and then to pounds-force. Zach’s punch was the equivalent ofbeing hit by a refrigerator dropped from a second-story window.

But Kala’s was almost as bad.

Lately, their dumb bets had taken on relationships and howfast certain people would hit the sheets.

“I say she holds out until TJ comes to his senses,” Tashasaid.

That hurt, but at least someone had faith in her.