Page 40 of Live, Love, Spy

Kala’s head fell back on a groan. “That’s what the dumbassguy who needs to make up for shit is supposed to say.”

“Nah.” Kenzie bounced in, setting her laptop on the alreadycrowded table. “That’s what the chick who can’t let herself believe that it’sreal is supposed to say. Wait until I tell Mom. She’ll say you’re coming alongnicely.”

She wasn’t coming at all, and that was the problem. Now shehad a taste for it. “I’m ready to explore D/s, especially as a copingmechanism, and I think TJ is perfect. He doesn’t have a permanent sub and he’skind of part time, so it’s not like we would be in each other’s space toomuch.”

Kenzie looked at her twin, and they had one of thosetelepathic talks of theirs. She could almost read it.

When did Lou get delusional? Kenzie would ask.

Dad would say when her vagina took over, Kala wouldreply. Lou could tell. It was all in the way her brow curved up in a “what areyou going to do about it” expression.

So what do we do?

Lou wanted to answer that one. Absolutely nothing. Not athing. Just let it be, Taggarts.

Obviously we have to fix the problem for her. Yup.That was the look on Kala’s face.

“You can’t kill TJ.” That was Kala’s solution to everything.

Kala’s lips tugged up in a genuinely amused expression. “Itwould solve a lot of problems.”

“We could also talk to some of the military dudes we know,”Kenzie mused. “Maybe get him assigned to Antarctica.”

“You are not messing with his career.” It was absolutely thelast thing she wanted. She stared the twins down. “Do you understand me? I knowI’m the quiet one, but you mess with TJ and you mess with me. He’s your cousin.He’s a freaking Taggart.”

“So is Lucas, but he can be a pretentious asshole sometimes.Honestly, having that Taggart name makes you more and not less likely to be amassive ass. I should know.” Kala could be very self-aware.

Lucas Taggart was Sean Taggart’s son and a rising star inthe culinary world. And he wasn’t an asshole by anyone but Kala’s standards.“He wouldn’t let you run an Agency op in his kitchen. That does not make him abad person. And TJ is confused right now. He’s been through something terrible,and I’m his friend. He needed some comfort.”

“So you’re like a blankie?” Kenzie asked.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw Big Tag starting towalk in. He pressed through the French doors, moving toward the front of thetable.

“A warm, soothing vagina blanket,” Kala countered. “She’sTJ’s vagina blankie.”

And Big Tag turned without saying a word and practically ranback toward the kitchen.

She was starting to worry about him. “Stop saying the word vaginaaround your dad. He can only take so much. And I meant what I said about TJ.Don’t try to screw with his assignments.”

“Dad already did,” Kenzie explained. “He’s sticking with usfor the next three months. We’re heading back to Dallas in a couple of hours,so I guess you’ll get in some club time together. I don’t know. It could work.It works for Kala and Coop.”

It did not. Not in any way. They were the mostdysfunctional… She couldn’t call them a couple. Pair. Or was that her and TJ?

Except all of the sudden, TJ seemed to want to function. Alot. He wanted to function all over the place.

“So you’re hedging your bets.” Kenzie slung a leg over onearm of the chair she sat in, regarding Lou thoughtfully. “You think TJ’s goingto change his mind, but you can’t quite not give it a shot, hence the keep-it-to-the-clubthing.”

“She’s scared.” Kala got serious. “And she’s got every rightto be. Why should she open herself up to him? He’s always denied her before,always friend-zoned her. Poor baby got tased a half a dozen times and suddenlyhe needs his blankie. Well, what happens when the taser sting wears off and hewants a normal life again? What happens when he wakes up and decides he wantssomeone else?”

Were they still talking about her and TJ? She knew Cooperhad drifted in and out of Kala’s life for years, knew he’d said some thingsthat had hurt her when they’d been kids. But since he’d joined the team, Cooperseemed to spend all his time trying to get close to her.

And in the club, they could be savage.

Did she want that with TJ? Did she want to screw him sobadly that she would toss out all the rest?

“What happens if he’s awake now and doesn’t want to go backto sleep? What happens if he finally found the one piece that didn’t fit, andnow it’s the right time?” a deep voice asked.

For spies, they really should know better than to talk aboutsensitive subjects in the middle of a room that opened to all the other rooms.TJ stood in the archway that led to the great room and the stairs to thebedrooms. He leaned against the wall, his hair a bit scruffy and damp from ashower.