Page 29 of Live, Love, Spy

“He’s asleep, not half dead,” Zach insisted. “We’re notmoving out until Big Tag tries to get something from our friend in the back. Inthe morning, we’ll take TJ home to the States. I’ve already gotten permissionto move Sergeant Taggart to our team for the next three months so we canprotect him.”

That wasn’t all they would do. They would watch him,question him.

Kala seemed calmer now. “Did TJ say anything?”

I’ll get you naked in a minute, but I can’t wait. I haveto know. Years I’ve gone not knowing the most important thing. How you taste.

Yeah, she wasn’t about to share that with her bestie.Luckily, from what she could tell, they’d only gotten the visual show. By thetime the glasses came back online, it had mostly been moans and licking soundsthat would probably make her boss stab his own ears.

Lou’s body still felt like a live wire. She could feel hishands on her, the long, slow slide of his tongue over her tender flesh. Shetried to force the memory away. She’d always told herself she would regretnever spending a night with TJ Taggart. Now she worried this was a case of“watch what you wish for” because she might never get that one moment out ofher head. “I tried to keep him from talking too much, but I got the feeling hedidn’t know what they thought he did. I’m not sure. I didn’t want him to givetoo much away. I needed to buy time.”

Kala’s head shook. “I don’t think that’s going to work on mydad, but you try. When we get there and he rushes you—because he will—let mehandle him. I’ll show him some shock and awe.”

TJ turned on his side, his face rubbing her thigh. Somehowher skirt had come up, and she could feel the brush of his scruff along herskin. “Lou, baby, you feel so good.”

“TJ,” she hissed.

But he was more than half asleep. He curled his arm aroundher leg, holding her tight. “So fucking good. Waited forever.”

“Nope, you didn’t,” Kala argued. “If you had waited forever,we wouldn’t be going into battle.”

Up ahead she saw the road winding around and a small cabinat the top. “I’ll handle it. It’s my mistake.”

It hadn’t felt like a mistake. It didn’t feel like it rightnow while TJ was wrapped around her like she was his favorite toy.

“The fact that he’s able to talk through those drugs isimpressive,” Zach said. “Our other guy is still out, right?”

“Yeah, and still breathing and everything. He does not havemy cousin’s capacity for sedatives. I’m pretty sure his mom started randomlyshooting him with darts when he said he was going into the Army before college.Uncle Theo has bad luck with getting dosed, so she wanted her son to beprepared,” Kala explained. “Aunt Erin is parenting goals.”

She was only half joking about that. Lou happened to knowErin hadn’t been happy with her baby boy following in their footsteps. She’dwanted him to go to college.

She’d asked what colleges she might be able to get TJ intothat were close to MIT. Erin had thought if he could be around her, TJ mightget over his “I’m not smart enough for college” thing.

She’d been wrong. Everyone always told her TJ would comearound. Well, they’d told her that in high school and college, and then they’dtold her to give up on him and get a life.

Just as she’d started to take good advice, he’d pulled herback in.

“Baby, I’m so tired,” he whispered. “Can we go to bed?”

Kala made a gagging sound.

Lou brushed back his hair, looking down at him. His eyeswere closed, and he looked oddly peaceful with his big body stuffed into a toosmall space. “I’ll make sure you get into bed.”

“Stay with me.” He rubbed his cheek against her leg. “Staywith me, and in the morning, we’ll do it right. We’re together now, LouLou. No going back.”

But they weren’t, and they would be going back. He was goingto wake up and regret everything he’d done.

This was it. This was the break. This was the end for them,and she had to find a way so they weren’t the most awkward duo in the historyof time when they saw each other at family functions. Or the club.

Sir. She’d called him Sir and it felt realand natural. Her whole body had gone soft and submissive.

She needed to cry but she couldn’t start. If she started,she wouldn’t stop, and she could only handle so many emotions at once. No. Shewas going to suck it up, go a little cold, a bit numb.

She could still feel the way the knife had slid into thatman’s neck, feel the fine hot spray of his blood as it hit her cheek.

A shiver went through her.

“Don’t be scared, baby. I’m going to take care of you,” TJwhispered. “I won’t let them hurt you.”