Page 100 of Live, Love, Spy

Was she okay? Something had changed inextricably between herand TJ the night before.

“Kala, you going to stay with her at the office?” Zachasked. “Because I don’t want her alone. That was precisely why I put TJ on her.He’s got nothing better to do than stare at her and ensure she doesn’t die.”

Kala’s eyes rolled, and she pushed her chair back. “I thinkI can manage it. I’ll send him a text so he doesn’t lose his shit the way hedid yesterday.”

“She was kidnapped yesterday,” Cooper pointed out.

Kala shrugged. “And we got her back. Besides, if I hang withLou, I don’t have to listen to my dad bitch at Kenzie about the Canadian. Soit’s a win-win.”

Kenzie frowned. “I don’t understand why. Tasha’s marrying aCanadian. We could have a double wedding.”

Kala made a vomiting sound. “I think you’ll find there wasonly one Canadian slot available, and your sister took it. So sad. Now, someonedrive the Brits to the office. I’m not leaving them here. They might kidnap Bud2, and then I would have to kill them.”

Lou gave Bud a pet and grabbed her laptop. As everyone wasbreaking up, she decided to text TJ, too. Maybe he would think she wasn’trunning away.

But she kind of was. It would be good to focus on workbecause if she sat here another second longer, she would crawl back into bedwith him.

Yes, work was what she needed. She followed Kala out andtried not to think about the man in her bed.

* * * *

TJ woke to warmth and a soft feeling.

Lou. He was in bed with Lou, and she was getting frisky.He’d always known once they got together she would be so affectionate. But withhis feet?

That didn’t feel right. He could see Lou waking him up bypressing kisses all over his chest or even getting handsy with that part ofhimself that was irrevocably hers. But his feet?

TJ forced his eyes to open, and sure enough Bud was at thefoot of the bed, licking his exposed feet since they’d demolished the beddingthe night before. It was all fucked up because he hadn’t gone easy on her. He’dpretty much tossed her on the bed and been inside her. Then they’d fought inthe best way. She’d twisted until she was on top and riding his cock, and thenhe’d flipped her so he could drive into her pussy. It had been everything he’dnever even thought he could dream of with her. The best sex he’d ever had.They’d connected in all ways. The only thing that even came close to actuallyfucking Lou had been sitting in the lounge with Lou on his lap, talking to hisfriends while she rested her head on his shoulder. He’d been surrounded withwarmth and love.

And once again she was gone. TJ sighed and sat up. He’dthought she would stay since this was her room, after all.

“Where’s Lou, Bud?” He glanced over at the clock andgroaned. It was ten a.m. He was going to spank the hell out of her if she’dgone into the office without him. Damn it. He would spank her for leaving theirbed.

Their bed. He was going to be in this bed with her everynight until she gave up trying to kick him out of it. That was a good plan.

He scrubbed a hand over his head and yawned. The place wasshockingly quiet. If the twins were here, there would be some noise. There wasalways music on or the TV playing or Kala and Kenzie arguing about something.

Damn it. She’d run. Oh, she wouldn’t have gone far, and shewould have been smart enough to take someone with her—probably Kala—but she’drun. He’d felt so close to her the night before, like something had slippedpermanently into place for them and this was the rest of their lives, but shecouldn’t have felt the same thing if she’d gotten out of bed and left himbehind.

A weariness settled over him.

He could get up and get dressed and find out where she was,but would that change anything? He had to face the fact that she might not wanthim long term. That the idea of being with him for the rest of her life was areality she’d realized she couldn’t handle.

Bud roamed over and set his big head on TJ’s knee, doggyeyes looking up at him with sympathy.

“You don’t like the fact that all the girls are gone either,do you, Bud?” TJ felt a deep connection to the dog. He sat around and waitedfor the girls to come home. He didn’t get to go on dangerous ops. He gotbabysat by Travis and spent his time staring at the door, waiting for them tocome back.

Was that what TJ had to look forward to? Would Lou walk outat some point, and he would spend the rest of his life waiting for her to comehome? Would she build another home, one that didn’t include him?

Damn it, she shouldn’t have run. They deserved to have time,intimate time that wasn’t simply about fucking. How did he have a shot if sherefused to give him her time?

He sighed and grabbed his phone. Sure enough, there were twotexts. The first was from Kala.

Hey, Sleeping Beauty. I’m taking Lou to heroffice. I’ll hang with her until you get there. Make sure Bud’s got waterbefore you head out. Sometimes he tips the damn thing over.

And then Lou.

I’m going to the office to work on some stuff. No need toworry. Kala’s with me. See you later.