Page 7 of His Sacrifice

A server walked by, and I grabbed another glass of champagne. Before I could down it, Enzo took it from me and set it on a nearby table.

"You've had enough," he whispered in my ear as I scowled at him.

"I've only had one glass." My lips curled down in a pout.

"We could call it a night." He raised a brow.

Dante Moreno walked up. "Lorenzo, Serafina, so happy you could join us." He took my hands in his and kissed both of my cheeks. “You look beautiful, my darling. It’s a shame you’ve been away for your schooling.” He turned and politely shook Enzo’s hand. “It’s about time you let her out of her cage,” he said with a smirk.

I smiled and gritted my teeth, knowing my face was going to hurt by the end of the night. That’s what we did. We smiled and played along with whatever twisted game the men had dreamed up.

“She’s done well but is ready for her next duty to the family.”

I wanted to scream at him, but it wasn’t his fault. It was the life I was born into. Though they’d never proven it, if the man across from us hadn’t attacked my family all those years ago, Enzo and I would have been married on my eighteenth birthday.

“How is the wedding prep, my dear?”

My smile got a little wider, my face hurting a little more. “As expected, sir.” I’d ignored all talk of the wedding at breakfast.

“Lorenzo, let’s talk about this arrangement.” Dante looked me up and down. “If only I was younger.”

I playfully patted his arm. “And single? How is Maria these days?”

Dante laughed at the reference to his wife. “She’s visiting family in Italy.” He glanced around the large room. “I know Antonio will be happy to hear you are here. We were told you were still tired from your journey.” He eyed Enzo.

“She does have a wedding to plan,” Enzo replied, quickly recovering.

“Dante, where can I find the ladies’ room?” Enzo’s hand on the small of my back tensed.

“It’s down that hall, my dear. This will give me a chance to talk about men’s stuff with your brother.”

I smiled, not missing the fact that Enzo was pissed, but Dante had his ear now. Slowly I walked away, unable to get more than a few feet before someone stopped me and told me how happy they were that I was back in town. Sure, they’re happy. They are also rightfully nervous. Enzo's family rules over sixty percent of the city's businesses belonging to the mafia. Of course, everyone answered to the Casellas, but other families had their own territory. The territory that had been in safekeeping until I married could solidify connections. Or start a war. Enzo hadn't told me who the suitors were or how they'd chosen. I knew enough about my place to know I had no say.

When I finally reached the hall, I glanced back and if looks could kill, I'd be over his knee again. I clutched my legs together as he flexed his hand. Turning away, I smiled. God, I was in trouble.

"I hear it's going to be an auction." A voice from the bathroom said.

"Like highest bidder and all?"


"It's not like we have a choice in who we marry, either. Sera's our friend."

"Does she even know?"

"Lorenzo keeps her pretty sheltered. I heard she got back into town in the last few days.”

“At least she got time before she had to marry.”

The doorknob clicked, and I tried to step away, but Britney and Lacy stepped out, shocked to see me.

Lacy threw her arms around me, which dissipated the stress. Britney hung back with an awkward smile.

“Hi, Sera,” she said, carefully positioning her bangs to hide the fact she should have done a better cover up job on the bruise on her cheek.

I reached out and brushed her forearm. “You doing okay?”

She smiled. “You know, play time just got a little rough.” She shrugged. “I need to get back.” She nudged Lacy and gestured to the party.