Page 3 of His Sacrifice

I shrugged, giving him an innocent look. “I knocked.”

The girl adjusted her dress and left the room, not daring to look at me. She knew better. They all did. Rumor had it that the girl who lost both parents, one to a bloodbath and the other one several years from a broken heart, was unhinged. Was it my fault I played the part?

“You’re supposed to knock and wait.” He sighed and walked toward his liquor cabinet, knowing arguing with me wouldn’t get him anywhere. It never did.

“You told me to tell you when the Costa family arrived.”

He held up a glass and raised his brow, making an offer.

I shook my head. “Not tonight, but thank you.” Something didn’t feel right about this whole damn day.

Mica put the top back on the decanter, then came around and sat in the chair next to me. “I told you to take the day off, cousin.”

“It keeps me busy.” I’d been in Vegas with Mica for six months, digging into his business finances at the request of the Casella family. I’d been surprised when they hadn’t called me home when I finally graduated from finishing school.

The first year, I’d gotten kicked out twice. The second time, Lorenzo was pissed. Moaning about how much money had gone down the drain after he’d paid to keep me there the first time. I had stood in the dean's office with a blank expression, while I was cheering inside. My celebration hadn’t lasted long before he sent me to another one in Italy, run by the mafia for girls like me. One year of school turned into four. The first time they’d taken a cane to me had been the last time. It wasn’t like I started behaving, I just got better at not getting caught.

In addition to studying business and finance, I’d picked up some not lady-like skills as well. Even Mafia princesses needed to protect themselves when their men couldn’t. I took special note of the classes focusing on manipulation and using talents men saw as weaknesses as our strengths.

“Can you arrange for my guard to take an extended break tonight?”

“You know I can’t do that. I don’t care who you take to your bed, but your family does. If I want to keep running this casino the way I have, you will not ruin it for me.”

I sat up straight and rolled my eyes. ‘You know, I was only kidding.”

He patted me on the knee before he stood. “I have business to discuss with you. Let me call and take care of the Costas, then we can talk.”

I stood, kicked off my stilettos, and padded toward the floor to ceiling windows that looked out onto the Strip. It was beautiful. To an outsider looking in, I was someone everyone wanted to be, but few knew the truth. The real reason why none of Mica’s staff would dare meet my gaze for fear of being accused of flirting with me. Last month, Mica insisted I take two escorts to walk through the casino floor to remind me what would happen if I forgot who I was for even a second and let a commoner flirt with me. I might appear free, but I lived in a fucking cage, even thousands of miles from Philly.

As soon as I heard Mica put the phone down, it rang.

“I was just about to tell her.” Mica said, the annoyance in his voice clear. “You said morning.”

I turned and caught his gaze, my heart dropping. I needed more time. I wasn’t ready yet.

“Yes, sir.” Mica gulped, his eyes filled with compassion. He hung up the phone with a huff.

I blew out a breath to maintain my composure. “When?” There was no sense in beating around the bush. We both knew this moment would come.

He scrubbed his face in his hands. “There will be a car out front in ten minutes.”

I huffed out a laugh. “I guess I don’t need to ask why you put extra security on me this last week.”

“Giovanni Casella called this morning.”

“That was Enzo, though.”

Mica nodded. “They moved up the timeline. There’s a plane waiting for you.”

“I’ll get my things.” I walked over and slipped on my shoes.

“They’ll be sent. Your rooms are being packed as we speak.”

I gritted my teeth. My composure is my power, I repeated as I reached for his office door to find two men right outside.

I spun back to find Mica behind me.

“I’m just following orders, Sera. Looks like you’re going to have a Christmas wedding.”