Page 28 of Right Groom

Shotgun weddings always failed so overnight love would never last either.

Juniper walked out of the kitchen and through an arched doorway with elegant stained glass with a doomed peak. The design featured various scenes of California in every season that made Ivy’s place feel like a home.

That’s what she wanted. A home to share, a family of her own. Maybe she was rushing it and measured everything too much. Maybe her family was right.

The tinkling sound of bells followed her to the front foyer where another arched doorway divided the small entryway from the rest of the house. The same stained-glass door with a domed peak stood wide open, welcoming guests to the bed and breakfast. These doors featured flowers, palm trees, swimming turtles and whales all among the waves.

When the sunlight followed people through the front door, multicolored light beams would spray the entire house with every cheerful color of the rainbow.

Like today. So why was she so down with such a beautiful morning?

Walking out of the front door, beautifully bloomed gardens were to the left and to the right patiently waiting for tonight's party.

Speaking of, the sound of a motor caught her attention and she turned to see Callie pulling up with a couple of vans following suit.

“Hey lady, I see you’re finally awake. I went back to town for some more supplies.”

“You should have woken me up so I could help.”

Callie clicked her tongue and shook her head. “Nope. You needed some downtime. Besides, you pay me, remember?”

Over several hours guests arrived to a whirlwind of hugs, greetings, and countless blue Hawaiians and fresh mango salsa. Late afternoon sunshine warmed the festivities and she was grateful the odd rain from yesterday had vanished from their area.

Everyone donned floral dress and shirts and all the leis lent a botanical scent that blended well with the fresh pineapples being cut up to serve with the piping hot laulau. And she couldn’t forget the Hulu dancing going on down at the beach just beyond a line of palm trees.

In another hour the tiki torches and lights would blaze to life just as the sun set and for here that was when real magic happened.

Juniper and her team worked steadily to set up the final preparations and a few strings of lights to go around a few palms. Aspen delivered two baby palms to hold down the entrance to welcome guests with fresh leis hanging from the branches.

She watched her gran stole a kiss from her man. He’d been out of town picking up his family for the event and looked so happy with everyone here to celebrate Gran’s birthday. They made a wonderful couple. She missed her grandfather and she knew her gran did too, but this new chapter was exciting.

Juniper took a turn around the kitchen and checked over the kalua pork and the fresh batch of pineapple salsa. Everything together transported her to the tropical island.

Almost perfect. Juniper bobbed and weaved around guests and searched out a quiet bedroom just as the living room filled with her gran’s friends. Soft ukulele music carried over the sound system Ivy had installed and someone slipped her a fresh blue Hawaiian as they passed. Everyone looked happy. Dancing, celebrating, and enjoying life.

The lock snicked into place as she slid into her gran’s room for a quiet moment. Juniper pulled up her email and thumbed out a quick note that was too long for messages.

Dear Marshall, Final wedding details are almost complete. Only a couple of days now. I’ve talked with the chef, everything is in order. You’ll love her. Still need to confirm the venue with Jon. We’ve been in decorating mode all day. I know it’s cutting it close, but he’s been out of the country. I’ll get an answer by tonight. Worst case scenario we have Ivy’s B&B. Not wedding of the century level, but nice. Need the final RSVP list from your mother to verify attendants. Gran’s party is in full swing and the family is here.

She sipped her drink. Her thumb hovered over the next words she wanted to write. Did she tell him she missed him? What could it hurt? Friends said that all the time. She typed it out in a hurry before she lost her nerve.

Miss you. -Love, Jun

There. No taking it back. Her phone pinged the arrival of an email almost immediately.

My dearest Juniper, I miss you too, sweetheart.

Her heart soared. She took a couple more draws on her straw and let the rum do its thing to her nerves. She went back to read the rest of the note.

I would love to meet Jon and the rest of the family.- Love Marshall

Just reading his name made the butterflies in her stomach kick up and create havoc to her insides.

She hit reply.

Dear Marshall, they would love to meet you. I told them about our arrangement. I have to admit, that wasn’t easy. Haven’t told my dad yet. Maybe we could do that together before the wedding. Gran loves the idea and wants pictures for Facebook. Wish you were here. – Love Jun.

She hit send.