Page 12 of Right Groom

That claiming look washed over his expression again as he looked on. She went to move, stand and clean herself when he held her down with a gentle hand on her chest.

“I clean my messes. Stay right there.”

Two seconds and he came back from a small bathroom she spied behind a hidden panel with a warm cloth doing exactly what he promised.

Done, he helped her stand slowly and then pulled their clothes back on which was easy for her given he’d only tore her panties off for the second time in a day. He stroked his knuckles down the side of her face. “What have you done to me, woman? I’ve never let my focus slip. Ever. But around you, the second you enter the room you’re all I can think about. All I crave.”

She felt the same way. “Things are moving fast, Marshall. Too fast.”

He nodded once. “Things are moving fast; I’ll give you that. Fine by me, but we can step back a minute. Take a breather if that is what you need.” He pulled her into his strong, warm arms and she immediately forgot what they were talking about. All she could do was inhale his masculine scent and just be for a moment.

“I can’t get enough of you. I want more, Juniper. I want all of you and fuck if I know why. But we can slow down. I think. I can’t promise anything.”

She looked up at him. “I know.” She was as likely to pounce on him—more so—the longer they stayed in the same room.

“How about we focus on some work and let the details and kinks work themselves out as we move along.” He slipped a loose piece of hair behind her ear.

“Okay. Considering what we just did that might be hard though, Marshall. We can’t put the cat back in the bag, know what I mean? But if we keep ravishing each other we’ll never get anything done,” she said shakily. This might be a fake everything, but her body acted like they were on the third day of their honeymoon and she was living the high life with Marshall Blackwood as her type of drug.

“I think we can manage that. I don’t promise a thing once I get you home.” With that, he turned and started picking up their mess. Five minutes and they had the desk looking almost like they hadn’t just had the most delicious, filthiest sex she’d ever had on its surface.

She sank into the sofa and debated pulling out her laptop. “Honestly, I don’t think I have enough time left to pull off,” she threw up air quotes, ‘the wedding of the century’ as Stella put it.” Her body hummed from the release but her brain cranked over to work mode.

He considered her for a moment, a curious look on his face. “What about yours?”

Her brows pinched with curiosity. He joined her on the couch, stretching out his large body beside her.

“The blue binder you brought to the cafe. It had your name on it.”

Ahh. Her wedding. Now she got it. “Yeah, I’ve been compiling ideas, you could say.” She tapped her bottom lip with a finger as she studied the night lights of the surrounding high rises. “You know, you have a point. I never thought of that. I have a dress too.” If she did this, married him, she would have to see it through to the end. No way she’d give her dress to another woman. She looked at Marshall and his gaze was filled with hope. He worked so hard for his family. Devoted everything he had to make sure his family lacked nothing. She admired that. How could she step away and see him drown? Not that she thought too hard on the topic to begin with. And after those hellacious orgasms and the way he pleasured her, being married to the man even temporarily, wouldn’t be all that bad.

“I’ll do it.” She slid her gaze to his.

“Juniper, are you sure? I'm asking a lot from you.”

“I’ll do it, I’ll help and you’ll accept it.”

She’d hoped for the same kindness and understanding if her family ever needed help and after meeting his brothers and Stella, how could she refuse?

“Besides, it's not forever. Right? We've already signed on the dotted line. You were only humoring me up until this point. Thank you for that.”

She yelped when Marshall pulled her to his chest and hugged her fiercely. His kiss was slow and sensual, consuming. Hard muscle flexed beneath her hands and she tightened her grip around the material of his shirt.

“Thank you. You don’t know what this means to me.”

“Don’t I? You’re helping me too, remember?”

He nodded and for a second, she thought he was going to say something else, but he didn’t. The way he looked at her. Soft and gentle but with a hard edge about him like he was always waiting for the other shoe to drop.

“Have you given any thought to where you want to get married?”

Heck, she didn’t believe she was getting married until a few seconds ago. She hadn’t expected the question, but then again, it did need answering. “I might be cliché in saying this, but I always wanted the big beachy wedding surrounded by family and friends, palm trees and sunshine. And white lilies.”

He chuckled. “Any clue as to where, though?”

“My cousin has a hidden beach resort in California. Small, quaint. It's for high rollers and he’s always booked, but I’m sure I can get him to clear out a few days for us.”

“Excellent choice. That’s one way to cull my mother’s invitation list and lessen your workload.”