Page 20 of Right Groom

Proposition sounded like a dirty word coming out of the oil princess’s mouth.

Juniper looked up from her screen long enough to catch the pointed look angled her way.

She flicked her phone screen off and rejoined them by the kitchen counter.

“She goes, or I don’t,” Marshall reiterated, and Juniper silently cheered him on for standing his ground. “End of discussion and I’m not interested in any propositions. My mind is set, and the deal is set. I won’t be paying out a penny more than what we’ve agreed on.” Marshall braced his hands on the counter and the muscles of his forearms flexed with the tension she felt roll off him.

Priscilla must have felt it too. “Okay, dear, have it your way. But I do urge you to keep an open mind.” She reached across the counter and put her hand over Marshall’s. “I’ll let my father know you will be there with your plus-one at seven sharp.”

“Fine, tell him to be ready to sign or the deal will be dissolved,” Marshall didn’t mince words.

“Don’t worry,” Juniper jumped in. “I won’t be attending so there’s no need for ultimatums.” She turned from Priscilla’s contemptuous look to Marshall’s surprised expression.

“I’m needed back in LA. I’m sorry. There are too many things going on that need my attention and Callie is drowning without me.”

Marshall’s expression morphed into reluctance before he shielded his emotions once again. She hated when he did that but understood where he came from all the same.

“Let me call my pilot,” he offered, already punching in numbers on his cell phone.

She rested her hand on Marshall’s. “No need. I just texted Callie. She’s already booked a flight for me. I leave in an hour and a taxi is already on its way. But thank you. You’re needed here. I don’t want to take you away from your work. I’ll text you as I progress and we can make the final preparations in time. I’ll be in touch. Okay? The only thing you need to see to is that you send your tuxedo sizes to my assistant. We’ll have everything ready for your arrival on the thirtieth? The day before the wedding? Sound okay?” She leaned in and kissed his cheek.

“Right, yes,” he confirmed but saw the hesitance in his eyes. He rolled back on his heels and crossed his arms. In the few days they’d been together she’d come to learn that stubborn stance of his.

She pulled back and Marshall clasped a hand over hers briefly before letting her hand slip from his.

He gave a stiff nod in agreement but his gaze said the contrary.

She turned to Priscilla and plastered a one-hundred-watt smile normally reserved for ornery brides that pushed her buttons yet required a professional attitude from her at all times.

“It was lovely to meet you.”

“Likewise, dear, we’ll be in touch, I’m sure.”

She hoped not, and deep down a knot tugged at her insides at the other woman’s words.

Juniper turned and left them to their business and wished her heart would settle. At this rate, tears fought with her resolve to suck it up and be an adult about the whole situation. Experience told her people tended to do what was best for them, despite promises.

But the girl inside her wanted desperately to believe in true love and love at first sight and all those fairytale endings. Juniper, you’re a foolish woman.

Callie had been wrong. More than ever, Juniper needed to take her heart out of the equation and let her brain lead the way. All the mixed signals Marshall gave out sent sparks and short circuits to her heart and she couldn’t take the jolts anymore.

She’d marry the man, secure their futures and their business and then be on her way.

Short, sweet and direct.

She pulled her phone and texted her mom, Callie, Gran in a group chat.

I’m on my way home. Oh, by the way. I’m getting married. Bring wine.

Juniper smirked. Let’s see how they like it when the tables are turned.


Heavy rainfall welcomed Juniper as she landed in LA over an hour ago and it had still to let up. A rare occurrence this deep into summer and she worked hard not to take it as a bad omen.

Fat drops splattered against the windshield blocking out much of the city.

She stared straight ahead into the curtain of water beyond the glass. Her own little bomb had resulted in nonstop question after question and she pressed a finger to the center of her forehead to stave off a headache.