He reached out and fingered some stray strands of my hair that had escaped my messy high ponytail. “His fixation with you… him wanting his turn… it won’t come to that.”

I looked to see those enthralling silver eyes swirling with vehemence.

“Asher, I know the deal and I know you can’t really promise that. The chances of coming out of this unscathed—”

“He can’t touch you,” he growled. “I can’t let him lay his dirty hands—or anything else—on you.” He tugged on my hair, forcing my gaze to his, refusing to allow me to escape the intensity. “Do. You. Understand. Me?”

I swallowed hard and just about managed a nod.

For several heated moments, we remained locked in that swirling intensity.

And then he released my hair and gestured at my left side.

“How is that feeling?”

“Much better. I worked out in your fancy home gym while you were at Hexwood U earlier.”

“I heard.”

“Right, you have Security keeping a close eye on me.”

“Just to make sure you’re well. How did you fair?”

“It went well. I was able to work out for over an hour with barely any strain or pain.”

“Very good.”

“You know, I’m surprised you didn’t have them come right in with me.”

“Well, I’m trying to walk the line between invasive security and allowing some semblance of privacy for you.”

I smiled. That was his version of being sweet. As close as he probably could ever get. “I appreciate you being accommodating.”

“In that vein, I need you to reciprocate,” he said, rubbing the beads of his black bracelet.

“Sure. In what way?”

“After my last class, I swung by the Main Street stores and picked you up a couple of new workout tops and sweats. I left them on your bed. I need you to wear them from now on whenever you venture to the gym.”

My eyes narrowed, Killian's warning from a few days ago blaring like a foghorn, and I snapped, “You’re dressing me? Like a doll?”

He flinched.

And then his eyes flashed with flames of ire.

The reaction was so raw, I couldn’t believe it.

Hell, I hadn’t thought him capable of it.

“Never!” he was yelling in the next second. He slammed his fist down in between our laptops, rocking them both. “Never like a fucking doll!”

What the hell? All over the word doll? What was that all about?

Before I could ask, he squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, then rubbed his bracelet again, calming himself, then went on in an even tone, “The new gym clothes are because the idea of you bouncing around the mansion in your sports bra and tiny shorts, or those pants that draw way too much attention to your ass, around all my men, doesn’t sit well with me.”

I stilled. I didn’t… I couldn’t… was this really happening?

“Do you hear me?” he pushed, when I just sat there looking at him in stunned silence.