I saw Asher’s eyes flash.
His bloodlust had been triggered.
Now there would be no more playing.
A growl rumbled from him and he lunged at her, tackling her across the stomach and driving her back into the chain-link.
Despite the jarring impact, she was able to react to defend herself, and slammed her elbows down into the soft spots between his neck and shoulder blades, trying to dislodge his grip.
He took the pummeling as only he could, snarling and getting off on the pain, and he ripped her off the wall and took her down to the floor.
My cock jerked as I watched him lick up her throat, all the way to the side of her face, tasting her blood and savoring it. His eyes were fucking black now.
Jesus Christ.
He wrapped his hand around her throat as his weight pinned her to the floor. “I can’t have weakness at my side.”
“I’m not weakness,” she seethed.
She proved that in the next second, as she executed what appeared to be a Jujitsu move, jerking sharply to the side and using her hips in a side control escape, actually managing to extricate herself from beneath his dominant hold.
She reared back and used the momentum to flip to her feet, her breasts bouncing as she panted and wiped sweat off her brow. Hot damn.
Asher started circling her again.
“Either Lance trained you, or someone connected to him, one of his military brothers. I can see his influence in your moves.”
She hissed at him.
Then they clashed again.
This time it didn’t stop, the two of them coming at each other with fists, chops, kicks, and knees, then alternately blocking the other with shins and forearms, then deflecting swipes. It was rapid-fire and ferocious as they met blow for blow.
She was doing hella well matching him and keeping up with him.
Until he played dirty and jabbed her in the throat.
As she choked and reeled, he thrust his knee into her gut, forcing her to double over instinctively, so he could then use that to dig his fingers into her shoulder and yank her down. He finished it off with a hammer fist to the back of her neck.
Her knee hit the floor, her palm coming down too in an attempt to stabilize herself.
He was there then, forcing her right elbow to her shoulder and yanking down on her wrist, trapping her in an elbow lock.
She cried out as he exerted more pressure.
“Do you yield, little lamb?”
“Never,” she seethed.
“I’m just a little extra pressure away from breaking your arm.”
“Then break it. I won’t yield.”
“You need me strong. You won’t do it. It won’t serve your purpose,” she told him.
His eyes narrowed. “Hmm, that’s what you believe?”