The way he’d been with me, though, it had seemed more than that. There was a connection between us. Something that ran deep.

And I was trying like hell to force it down, not to pay too much mind to it.

Things were complicated enough, and they were about to become even more so. Opening up that door would take it so far beyond that.

Just like my thing with Killian. Caring about him, reacting when I saw his pain that night.

Not to mention, Jonah. What he’d managed to bring out in me, what I’d not only let him do to me, but what I’d done to him in return. The fact that I’d wanted so much more, that I’d reveled in it. I’d known I’d had that twisted side to me, but that night had been the first time I’d let it out in that way.

I shoved a hand through my hair. That entire night had been nothing but a mind-fuck from start to finish.

“Dammit,” I muttered, as I closed down the files and opened up my Economics coursework again.

Just as I’d started to immerse myself in it, my phone buzzed on the desktop.

I snatched it up and found a text that had a wave of awareness rolling through me.

Asher: Are you willing to do whatever it takes?

This was only the second time he’d actually used my number since he’d convinced me to give it to him when he’d dropped me home that night.

The first had been just a simple message to let me know he’d had my car driven back for me less than thirty minutes later, by one of his security staff.

Aurora: You know I am.

Asher: Hexwood House. Now.

Aurora: Why?

Instead of answering, he talked around it, a classic calculating move.

Asher: Wear something casual.

Aurora: Again, why?

Asher: You said you were willing to do anything.

Aurora: Don’t question my dedication.

Asher: Don’t give me a reason to.

Infuriating bastard!

Aurora: Last time I was there, I was attacked, finger-fucked, bitten and tongued.

Asher: And pleasure was had by all. Most definitely you.

Aurora: Fuck you.

Asher: Offer appreciated and noted.

Aurora: Not an offer.

Asher: Are you sure?

Aurora: Don’t use your puppet mastery on me.

Asher: Old habits, little lamb.