Well, that had been fast for a turning.
Even by Asher’s standards and level of talent.
Nah, it didn’t add up.
Aurora had made it clear in her actions outside that she was the farthest thing from weak or malleable. Sure, she’d let me play with her tight juicy cunt, but it had been on her own terms. The woman was a ball of fire made up of unextinguishable flames.
“Aurora Blackthorn is under our protection,” he announced next, doubling down on his surprising revelation from a few seconds ago.
I exchanged a what-the-fuck look with Kill. He cursed under his breath, then snatched up the bottle of scotch, not even bothering with a glass now, and taking a big swig straight from the bottle.
“I didn’t see a single drink in your hand tonight,” I told Asher. “So, has the intermittent abstinence thing you’ve had going on finally warped your mind? Do you need another therapy session with me?” I jested. You couldn’t outright challenge the likes of Asher Monroe. Not even Kill and me could without severe consequences. He’d rip apart anybody who dared.
“Seconded,” Kill said, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. He looked between Asher and Aurora. “Or, did you get a taste of her while the two of you were holed up in the kitchen for so long? Golden pussy syndrome, is it?”
“Golden pussy?” Aurora mused.
“When you get yourself some Grade A cunt and can’t see straight,” I told her.
“And end up fucking your friends over, because you’re so whipped,” Kill added.
Aurora slapped a hand to her heart in a mocking gesture. “I’m flattered my cunt is so highly thought of.” Then her eyes narrowed and she ground out fiercely, “Especially when neither of you has actually had the privilege to know either way.”
“Well—” I started.
“That doesn’t count. It was just an appetizer.”
I smiled, amused. “Is that right?”
“I just used you as a scratching post, so, yeah.”
I actually saw a reaction from Asher. He was watching her with a combination of amusement and pride at her giving our shit right back to us, and then some.
“Damn, that’s cold, firecracker.”
She shrugged. “What can I say? Right place, right time for you.”
“Well, whenever the time is right again and you wanna rub yourself up on me, just say the word. Or pull down your panties. Either way.”
Kill took another swig of scotch and told her, “Better yet, the second Ash releases you, how about I shove you to your knees and wreck your throat with my cock, fill that smart mouth up with my cum?”
That was rough talk for the likes of him. Yeah, he was smashed all right. He’d been drinking heavily all night and him going at Asher’s scotch had tipped the scales where that was concerned.
Asher gave Aurora’s shoulder a squeeze. “Well, they’re definitely up for using you like a whore.”
“I told you, we’re not doing that part.”
“I wouldn’t be too hasty.”
“Part?” Kill snapped. “Part of what? What the shit is going on?” he stepped forward aggressively, only to stumble in his inebriated state as all the liquor caught up to him, and end up back against the bar instead.
It wasn’t just about the frustration of being out of the loop this time. This was him not liking how close they now seemed, the very clear bond developing between them. Not to mention, Asher’s protective stance and hold on her that she probably had no clue was him staking a claim, just as much as it was him sending a message that she was under his protection. The reason he hadn’t let go of her yet was because Kill was smashed with a shit-ton of aggression rolling off him.
Asher led Aurora to the black leather couch to the right of the room. As she went to sit down on the middle cushion, he smoothly finagled things so that she moved to one of the end cushions and he perched in the middle, ensuring no one else could sit right beside her. “Have a seat,” he told us.