“Yes. Yes, I trust you.”

He patted his cheek. Hard. His eyes flamed as Kill winced, but said nothing, taking it as was expected. “Good boy. And keep in mind that the Blowout is coming up quickly, where you’ll be able to take your frustrations out on that groupie of yours who’s been prostrating herself at your feet for hell knows how long. I’ve arranged all of that for you, to help you, to give you the outlet you need.”

“Thank you. I appreciate it.”

Asher dug his fingers into Kill’s cheek. “Make sure you show it once in a while.”

And then he was done, releasing him and stepping back.

His eyes fell on Becca passed out on the wraparound couch. “Is that blood?” he said, glaring at me. “And cum? On my couch?”

“You mean the tacky white leather thing you insisted on putting in here to brighten up the place?”

Kill chuckled now that the mood had shifted from heavy and ominous to our more easygoing bullshit banter. “His attempt to make the salon more accessible to our guests.”

“Tacky?” Asher questioned. He shook his head in dismay. “No class. Either of you.” He eyed me. “Send it to get reupholstered.”

“I can just clean it off.”

“You can’t get blood out of white leather.”

“And cum?” Kill asked, still laughing.

“Not to my knowledge.”

I smiled to myself. “Knowledge that’s hella extensive, huh, Asher?”

He smiled back at me. “You’re lucky you’re in my good graces currently for taking care of this issue.”

“I know I am,” I said, grinning in satisfaction.

“Just get it reupholstered, you fuck.”

Kill and I chuckled.

Asher stepped up to me and reached out to my neck. With one of his sexy hand flourishes, he lightly brushed my skin, then spun his hand, and there on his palm was an empty and open packet of lube.

Him and his magic tricks.

Yeah, I fucking loved it.

“This is my lube.”

“I’ll restock,” I promised him. “I’d already planned to anyway.”

“Good,” he said, pushing the packet into my hand. His eyes flamed for a brief moment as he said, “After all, it is in your best interests.”

Hot damn.

I was growing harder by the second.

Just at the suggestion. After the hardcore fucking I’d just brought.

Only him.

He smirked at me, then spun on his heel and took off into the depths of the mansion.

And order had been restored.