Page 153 of Lock Up the Darkness

“And the girlfriend is now Liza.”

“Correct again. I just need your help to make Jonah unidentifiable. I need another body, I can’t get rid of the telltale tattoos.”

“So, you’re setting up both Liza and Andrew in one shot.”

“I told Sam that I had proof Liza hadn’t been conducting herself in a fitting way to be matched with the golden boy that is Killian.”

“But you didn’t, so you’re forging it.”

“I do have footage of her snorting a couple of lines during the Blowout, but that won’t be enough.”

“Wow, this is… fucked up.”

“Undeniable, but it’s also necessary. I’m aware of your video editing skills. Can you do this? Finish this off for me?”

I sucked in a breath. “Yeah. Yeah, I can do it.” Jeez. I took the laptop from him and got down to work right away. “I need to download some software.”

“Go right ahead.”

As I got to it, I watched him in my peripheral vision. He clasped his hands behind his head and leaned back against his pillow, his eyes fluttering open and closed.

“You can sleep if you want. This will take me a couple of hours.”

“Yeah, all right,” he murmured, surprising the hell out of me when he actually took my advice and kicked off his shoes, then started stripping.

I bit my lip as he unbuttoned his shirt, then shrugged it off his shoulders, his ripped torso coming into full view, those sexy snake tattoos. God. He eased off the bed, then lost his socks and popped the fly of his jeans. As he started sliding them down over his ass, a pair of his go-to black boxers coming into view, his big cock bulging through, he caught me looking and a smirk lifted his lips. “Focus, woman.”

“It’s kind of hard to do that when you’re stripping right in front of me.”

“You want me to do it in the bathroom? Behind a towel?”

“You’re almost done now,” I said, gesturing at him pulling his jeans down past his thighs.

He tugged them the rest of the way off, then he folded each item of clothing perfectly and placed it on the chair underneath his desk. He took off his Rolex and placed it on the desk itself at the far back, along with his phone too, but he kept his bracelet on.

Then he slipped under the covers, the bed jostling at his movements, before he settled and rested his head on his pillow, turned toward me.

His sleepy eyes were focused on me and he smiled out at me.

“Sweet dreams,” I said.

“They will be now with this appetizing visual for me to fall asleep to.”

I rolled my eyes and turned back to what I was doing. “I’ll leave as soon as I’m done and lock your room, don’t worry.”


I swung my head to see his eyes had grown all the heavier. He seemed barely lucid.


“Don’t leave after. Stay. Stay with me.”

“I don’t know if that’s such a good idea.”

“I’ll be able to sleep longer with you here.”

Before I could get another word out, his eyes closed and he was out.