Page 145 of Lock Up the Darkness

The players from the bench.

Professors watching.

It was an absolute clusterfuck.

I looked out at Sam and found him now on his feet and grinning out at the scene, before his gaze hardened and absolute revulsion filled his features as he took in his son losing his mind.

A test.

That was what this had been.

And Killian had just failed miserably.

They knew now.

They knew about Aurora and Killian.

Killian’s reactions had just confirmed it.

No more playing nice.

It was time to shake things up.

Something they would live to regret.

Shouldn’t have pushed me, Father.

* * *

It had taken a lot for me to smooth over the debacle on the field.

I’d prevented the coach from pulling Killian for the rest of the season.

I’d also done damage control with the scouts, so that Killian didn’t lose the opportunity that he needed to take advantage of desperately, an opportunity that would give him more freedom than he had stuck here in Hexwood. Although he’d still be under the control of the Head Infidels if things didn’t change, he’d have distance on his side. And the power that his own earned fame would afford.

But things would be better than that soon, he’d be free all the way, once I was done.

For the time being, I’d delivered a blow to Samuel Carmichael. I’d played dirty and informed the scouts that his father being here had triggered him and an onslaught of mental anguish rooted in the severe abuse he’d suffered from him. I’d told them that Sam had shown up on purpose to elicit that reaction to ruin his chances, that him calling the scouts in had been a game to him, something he’d relished his son failing at, wanting him to suffer the loss of that mammoth opportunity of signing to a NFL team. They’d been shocked, especially when I’d shown them the proof I’d gathered over the years. Proof which I’d then sent off in a timely fashion to key media outlets. The cops would come knocking for Sam soon enough.

I’d just committed an outright act of war.

Sooner and much more openly than I’d wanted to, but I could roll with things very well. They were about to discover that pushing me was a very detrimental decision.

It helped that I’d cracked Revenant’s code a couple of hours ago.

I hadn’t told the other three yet, because I hadn’t wanted to rile any of them up before this big game for Killian. Little had I known that Sam had other ideas. I would’ve known if I hadn’t been so focused on that code, and compromised with the sickness that had been pulling me down. Thankfully, that was well on its way to becoming just background noise as I’d begun treating it now.

This act of war against Sam would also prove a mammoth distraction to Carson and Reed, along with all their associates sitting at the table in their seat of power in the City of Torvin.

Exactly what we needed right now.

I made my way down the corridor leading to the locker room.

When Killian still hadn’t emerged after I’d dealt with everything, the other players heading out during, and I hadn’t been able to get eyes on Sam, I’d put two and two together.

Sure enough, as I sped up, I heard distinct thuds, the breaking of furniture, then cries of pain emanating from within the locker room.

I reached it, then threw open the door and strode inside.