Aurora would be home in ten minutes and I wanted this confrontation I was about to enter into with Asher out of the way before then. She’d been through enough tonight. I didn’t want her getting pulled into my bullshit, my mistake. Or Asher’s rage, which would likely lead to some nasty punishment. She’d try to interfere, to spare me, and end up incurring his wrath in the process. Sure, she was a tough little thing, able to handle whatever Ash sent her way, but I didn’t want her to have to. If I could spare her from any part of this twisted, fucked-up life of ours, I would.
Drawing in a calming breath, I shoved my hands into the pockets of my hoodie, then walked into the salon.
Asher looked up immediately from his laptop that was on his lap as he curled up on the couch, a blanket tossed over him. Damn, he really was sick. His impeccable appearance was nowhere to be found. He was wrapped in his black silk robe, his hair wild, a beard in progress, and his eyes as red and as watery as his nose.
“Did you have a good break?” he asked as I approached.
“Yeah, it was peaceful,” I answered, as I stopped in front of the coffee table, thankful for the physical barrier it unwittingly provided.
Although, truth be told, it wasn’t really going to do much against his wrath. Nothing could.
“Very good.” He cocked an eyebrow as he took me in. “What do you need?”
I shifted my weight. “Nothing. I need to inform you of something that—”
“You raising suspicion where Sam is concerned?”
What? “You already know.” I wasn’t sure whether I meant it as a question or a statement, I was so taken aback.
“I’m aware, yes.”
“He contacted you?”
“I’m monitoring your communications.”
“Excuse me?”
“It’s become necessary with your slipups of late.”
“So, you’re bugging my phone?”
“Are you fucking kidding me with—”
“Watch yourself. You came in here with your tail between your legs, clearly hoping for my forgiveness—or leniency at the very least. Do you really want to antagonize the situation with aggression?”
Fuck. “No,” I ground out, fisting my hands inside my pockets.
“Smart decision.” He shook his head to himself. “For once.”
I gritted my teeth and shoved down the rage wanting to be given breath.
And then I waited for the inevitable shit to hit the fan.
Moments went on by and he still didn’t show a reaction.
Not even a twitch of his eye to indicate that he was swallowing it down, despite it bothering him and pissing him off in equal measure.
He looked… utterly calm.
Well, that didn’t exactly track, given the situation.
His eyes met mine. “Sam was already suspicious before your text exchange.”