Yeah, that was about right.
While Kill’s presence was welcome and accepted, even reveled in, that of the other two Hexwood Infidels, me and Asher, was always met with a whole lot of fear. Especially mine, because it meant heads were about to roll. Asher took his time doing damage, using a very calculated and twisted route, whilst mine was much more direct and happened immediately with a shit-ton of brutality. There was nowhere to run and hide.
My gaze locked on Aurora as she placed a plate of nachos down on a table in front of some customers. As her eyes met mine I saw a spark there, the beginnings of a smile, before she managed to school her expression, then fake a whole lot of fear. I saw her struggle to turn that into submissiveness as I neared her, forcing herself to lower her eyes and hang her head like our good little fake plaything.
I was looming over her in the next moment, all eyes on us, hushed whispers sounding.
“Thought you were safe here in a public place?” I growled down at her. “Nowhere is beyond our reach.” I grabbed her sexy high ponytail and yanked hard, jerking her toward me and making her cry out and stumble. I used my hold to shove her face into my groin, grinding my rapidly hardening cock against her cheek, before abruptly yanking her back. “Time to get back to where you belong, on your fucking knees choking on my big fat cock.” I dragged her down the gangway then, speaking loud enough for everybody to hear, “Come on, fuck slut, time to mark you up with my cum.”
I dragged her all the way by her hair to the guy’s bathroom, then shoved her inside. Two fuckers were in there, so I barked, “Get the fuck out. I need my bitch.”
They both hurried out, one looking all shocked, the other eye-fucking Aurora before I slammed the door shut.
I didn’t lock it, that wasn’t a part of this.
I shoved her up against the wall, slamming her hands down either side of her head.
And then I dropped the act, loosening my grip and whispering, “You okay? Did I hurt you too much?”
She grinned up at me. “Just a little. I’m fine. That act was something else.”
“Shoving my face into your dick? Another level.”
I frowned. “Yet, you don’t seem pissed.”
“Kind of turned on, actually.”
“Well, it didn’t help that your dick is hard as fucking stone.”
“I guess the rough manhandling brought me back to that night of the Blowout.”
“Not that night in my room?”
“Nah, that first time was just me and you.”
She startled me as she reached out and played with my spiky hair. “Is that something you’ve been missing?”
“Well, the fact that those awful pleated pants and that way too loose and done up white shirt of this Fusion uniform of yours isn’t easing my hard-on one bit, pretty much says it all.”
She chuckled. “Hey, it’s not that bad.”
“Oh, fuck, it is. It’s like management went out of their way not to sexualize their staff.”
“Well, it’s a new age. No longer the aughties.”
“I’m pretty sure I just ran right through that with my treatment of you out there.”
“You guys are another level, though.”
I stared at her in wonder. Her reactions to things, being able to take this sort of craziness in her stride, going toe-to-toe with all three of us… I’d never known anything like it.
Before I knew what I was doing, my fingers were stroking her cheek and I was murmuring aloud, “You’re special. You know that? Real goddamn special.”
She smiled and pressed her soft hand to my roughened one. “Thanks for protecting me out there.”