Page 130 of Lock Up the Darkness

And that was when it clicked into place.

“These are the numbers the professor gave you?”

“Yeah. It’s what I have to work with. Each student has their own fictional company setup.”

“Well, yours came to you already close to being run into the ground. You were dealt a bad hand.”

“It’s just random, there’s no malice in it.”

“Hmm. That remains to be seen.”


He’d done this. He’d pressured my professor to do this. Threatened him, in all likelihood.

Son of a bitch.

“All right, thank you,” I said stiffly. Given how scared he looked, what else could I do?

Right now, anyway.

Once I got home and came face-to-face with Asher, I’d take care of it, though.

As I put them in my bag and turned to go, Professor Shaffer’s voice pulled me up short. “Those original numbers? They were given to push you. You’ve excelled at this class, and I want you to reach your full potential.”

Wow. “I do, too. Nothing and no one will change that.”

I saw the silent understanding reach him as I made it clear I hadn’t asked for this.

He smiled. “Good to hear.”

With that, I turned and headed out, feeling Killian’s intent gaze on me the whole while.

* * *

“Can you believe he did that?” I exclaimed, pacing and shoving my hand through my hair as Killian and I stood beneath the bleachers, where he’d led me after I’d met him a few moments ago.

I’d been so pissed at the audacity of a certain manipulative bastard that I hadn’t been able to contain my utter outrage.

“Yes,” Killian said. “I can believe a whole lot worse too. That was tame for him.”

“Tame? He actively interfered in my class! In my standing at Hexwood U! In my relationship with my Professor! The guy’s gonna think I expect special treatment at every turn now, that I just want to buy my grades, or whatever the fuck!”

“He won’t. You conveyed that it wasn’t your intent, that it was out of your control. I saw him, he believed you.”

I spun around, but Killian grasped my shoulders, keeping me facing him. “This is actually Asher showing you affection. In his own twisted and convoluted way. He did this to help you, because he cares about you.”

That pulled me up short for a moment as the weight of it rolled over me. “Well… this isn’t the way,” I managed.

“I agree, so make it clear to him when you get home tonight.”

“And he’ll just magically stop and do things the way I want, the sane way?”

He grinned. “Yeah, I actually think he will.”

I cocked an eyebrow. “Why?”

He stroked my shoulders. “Because, darlin’, you’ve already had him doing things he normally wouldn’t do. You have an impact on him I’ve never ever seen before.” His grin widened. “You’ve got him wrapped around your little finger and you don’t even realize it.”