The chick it belonged to was passed out naked covered in cum and sweat on the wraparound couch in the salon, all used up and tired out. She’d been yet another disappointment, not able to take what I’d dealt out.
So now I was giving her boyfriend my special brand of treatment.
The musclebound jock—Hexwood U’s backup quarterback to be more accurate—was fucking crying like a little bitch, as I throat-fucked his cock like an animal.
His blood dripped onto my head from the deep scratches I’d carved down his abs. Licked them clean already, but they were bleeding again. Guess I’d gone harder on him there than I’d realized. It sometimes happened when I got sucked into this kind of headspace, when I went too deep into it.
Snarling, I slathered his shaft with my tongue, swirling around it like a fucking tornado as he cried for me, his knees going weak.
“God, I can’t. I can’t, Jonah!” he wailed like a goddamn pussy. Yeah, sure, I’d been edging him for an hour, but I couldn’t help it if it took a lot for me to get my fill. I wasn’t exactly working with the best. Never fucking was.
His grip on my biceps was no longer enough to keep him held upright and he started to buckle.
Roaring, I rose up and hauled him onto my shoulders.
Then I swallowed him all the way down, my chin butting up against his balls.
He bellowed out into the room, his cries making my cock jerk wildly, pushing me right where I needed to be.
I ravaged him, using my hold on his ass to ram his shaft down my throat rapid-fire, giving him my tongue, grazing him with my teeth.
And this time I didn’t stop.
His whole body went rigid, he slammed his hands into the wall in front of him, and then he came, filling my throat.
I swallowed down every drop, holding him to me while I took my fill.
He bucked in my hold as I sucked on his tip until he was screaming and begging me to ease up.
Of course, I didn’t.
Anybody begging me to do anything usually resulted in me bringing the exact opposite to the table. Unless it was something I’d already been on track to doing anyway.
“Jonah! Shit! Fucking shit!” he was screaming in the next few moments as I took him over the edge, making him come again.
I swallowed him down, then licked his shaft clean, torturing him with hard flicks to the underside of the head that had him squealing and shuddering in my hold.
Fuck, yeah.
I took him down to the floor and he grunted as his back jarred against the hard surface.
Flipping him over, I spread his ass cheeks, then nestled my cock between them, then ground down on his tight hole until it was red-raw and he was clawing at the floor.
The big-talking fucker was totally at my mercy.
And it finally all got to me, a rush of pleasure ripping through me like an unstoppable blast that detonated through me, ripping me in two as I spurted all over his ass, a little in his hole that had it winking at me, him shuddering in that sexy-as-fuck way for me again.
“Hell, yeah,” I rumbled, pushing off him and delivering a stinging slap to his ass. “There’s a good boy.”
I rose to my full height, stretching my hands above my head and cracking my neck, and basking in the afterglow for a few moments, before I tucked my cock back inside my gray distressed jeans, then buttoned my fly. I fixed my belt back into place, running my fingers over the silver raven’s head belt buckle as I took in the results of my hard work.
Evan Tessier and his girl, Becca Wild, really hadn’t lived up to all the self-hype they’d been putting out there.
She was still passed out and he’d just joined her. Neither of them had been able to handle me.
A fact all their misguided supporters were gonna know about real soon.
I strode over to the bookcase on the opposite side of the room containing Asher’s books on war strategy, along with a whole slew of classics, and I snatched up the little silver tube I’d nestled between War & Peace and The Art of War.