He grasped my jaw. Hard. His fingers dug into my cheek.

And then he stepped forward with clear menace.

His phone rang and he stilled, obviously recognizing the ringtone as belonging to somebody familiar. It was a distinctive classical melody, not the usual you’d hear. He held me by my jaw as he reached into the pocket of his hoodie and pulled it out. Swiping it open, he balanced it between his face and shoulder and answered, “Can this wait?” His eyes darted to mine. “You can’t be serious? Give me five minutes. What? Fuck it, fine.” He hung up, then stowed his phone away, and then he was releasing me and stepping back. “You’re fucking lucky.”

I rose back to my feet. “Why?”

He merely smiled, that twisted one he didn’t show the rest of Hexwood U. “See you around.”

And then he was spinning on his heel and walking away with all that swagger out in full force.

I stayed inside the alcove for a few moments, processing everything that had happened.

My first encounter with one of the Infidels.

It had gone better than I’d anticipated.

Being forced to allow the submissive positions he’d put me in had been worth it to achieve my goal for this first part of my plan.

Getting under his skin.

I’d succeeded with flying colors.

Unfortunately, it hadn’t exactly come without a price.

I gritted my teeth, trying to shove down what he’d brought out in me, how he’d managed to affect me.

Son of a bitch.

When I’d set out for this town, that was the one thing I hadn’t considered. It hadn’t even entered my mind that it would be a factor.

Why the hell would it have?

I’d only viewed them as a means to a vital end. Targets, even. I hadn’t viewed them as human, just assets to get the answers I was seeking. Just like everything and everyone around me that I’d encountered in Hexwood over the last couple of weeks.

It was the way it had to be in order to keep on track, to make sure nothing got in the way of me doing what needed to be done.

I shoved a hand through my hair.

It’s okay, everything’s okay.

You’ve got this.

This was just a curveball, one I could get a grip on.

Better than that, one I could actually use to my advantage.



Whimpers filled my ears.

One of my favorite melodies.

I’d also take shrieks and sobs.

The scent of a freshly eaten cunt filled my nostrils, the taste still coating my tongue too.